Chapter 22

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Author's POV

Next Day

Porchay slowly opened the door of his father's room without making a sound.

Pat was lying in the bed with his eyes closed but he wasn't sleeping. He slowly opened his eyes when he heard the creak of the door.

Without looking up, he asked, "Who is it?", after a pause he added, "Pond, is that you?"

"Pa, it's me.", Porchay said softly, stepping into the room.

Pat immediately sat up and looked at Porchay with happiness. "Chay...dear.", he said. "Come"

Porchay walked and sat down on the chair next to Pat's bed.

His father couldn't stop smiling seeing his son. Porchay could see the pain in his father's eyes and the faint lines on his face.

Pat slowly reached out and held his son's hand. "Chay, I'm so glad you're here.", he spoke in a tired voice.

"I'm here Pa, I'm here.", Porchay assured him, blinking back tears. "As your son and as whatever you like me to be, I'm here for you."

Pat couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He pulled his son closer and embraced him tightly. Porchay held Pat close, letting his father's tears soak the shoulder of his shirt.

Pat pulled back after a few moments, his eyes shining with tears. "But Chay, I am very sorry for the time we lost and the mistakes I've made in the past.", he said regretfully.

"I am also sorry Pa,", Porchay replied. "I despised you for so long because of my hurts and anger but I realize now that I was wrong. Mom always said that you loved her and us more than anything. I can finally see that, and I am sorry for doubting you all these years."

"No Chay. You have the right to hate me.", Pat said. "I wasn't there for Namphueng all these years when she needed me the most. I was a terrible father to you too."

Porchay shook his head sideways. "No dad, no". Porchay hugged his father tightly again. Pat pulled out and looked at Porchay.

"I l-l-love you, Dad.", Porchay said through his tears. Pat chuckles and caresses Porchay's cheek, his eyes glistening with tears of joy.

"I love you too, my son", Pat said. "More than you can ever imagine."

"Anyway...", Pat said, wiping his tears away. "From now on, Pond will tell you what to do."

Porchay nodded and smiled. "Then, I will take my leave."

Pat nodded. As Porchay stood up, Pat suddenly pulled him closer and whispered, "I'm so proud of you, Chay."

"Thank you Pa.", Porchay whispered back.

Outside the Room

As Porchay closed the door of his father's room, he found Kinn waiting for him impatiently.

"P'Kinn?", Porchay said. "Can I help you with anything?"

Kinn cleared his throat, "Chay, I want to talk to you about something important."

"What is it, phi?", Porchay asked.

"It's about Kim", Kinn said causing Porchay to frown.

After Sometime

Porchay's Room

Porchay was looking outside the window of his room deep in thought when there was a hard knock on the door.

"Yes?", Porchay said without turning around. The door opened and Kim entered the room. Kim was annoyed when Porchay didn't turn around to face him or did anything to acknowledge his presence.

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