Chapter 12

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Author's POV 

Next Day

As usual, Porchay got up and got dressed for his university. Today there was no session in the morning because of yesterday's chaos.

Before going, he went and checked Kim's room to see if he returned or not.

As he opened the door, the room was very silent and showed that no one entered the room after he left it last night.

He then hurried downstairs and ate breakfast.

He ate not because of hunger but of Kim scolding him and fearing that Porchay would beg him to fuck him then and there.

Because by now, Porchay gets turned on by ANYTHING that Kim does.

Today he was joining back the Café for his part time job. It was not a job but more of a hobby or killing time.

Big dropped him at the university.

Porchay rushed to his friends. "Good morning, idiots!"

"Hey!!", John said as he waved at him. While Mike looked him and raised an eyebrow.

" fine, bro?", Mike asked.

"Yeah... what happened to me?", Porchay asked as he sat down.

"Yeah, what happened to him?", John asked.

"I mean yesterday you were saying that Mr Kimhan Theeranpanyakul is jealous when I am close to you.", Mike said.

"Ohhhhh", John said.

"Yeah...he was...but", Porchay said.

"But what?", John and Mike asked in unison.

"Uhh...nothing!", Porchay said as he got up. "I am going to get drinks., do you guys want some?"

"One ice tea for me!", John said while Mike looked at Porchay suspiciously.

"Okay.", Porchay said and glanced at Mike before rushing towards the counter.

"Something fishy...", Mike said.

"What's fishy?", John asked.

"He is walking properly, that means they haven't had sex yesterday night. Sometime else might have---", Mike spoke but was got smacked by John could complete speaking.

"Shut up, Mike!", John said. "If Chay wants to share, he will! Don't interfere in his personal life and force him to say something that he clearly doesn't want to speak!"

"I know John, but I am worried about him!", Mike protested.

"Even I am worried but that doesn't mean I can force him to speak. It's his personal space!", John explained.

"But---", Mike tried speaking but was interrupted by John.

"No buts! Just shut up or I will shove the ice tea up your ass and take it out from your mouth!", John warned.

"Ouch!", Mike said. "That's sound painful."

"Want to have a practical class?", John asked.

"Nope. I will shut up.", Mike said.

"Good.", John said with a warm smile and ruffled Mike's hair.

Soon, Porchay returned with the drinks.

He gave John his drink and place another cup in front of Mike. "Here."

"But I didn't ask for any", Mike said.

"I know.", Porchay said. "I brought it for anyway so just drink this."

Mike smiled widely as he took a sip from his drink.

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