Chapter 09

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Author's POV

Kim waited outside while Porchay went inside the mansion to get changed.

Within minutes he returned. He wore a skin coloured shirt paired with ripped jeans that hugged his muscular legs.

Porchay came and sat in the car. Kim looked at him lustfully. "Darling, dressing like a total dessert is bound to drive me wild," Kim whispered as Porchay fastened his seatbelt.

Porchay grinned at Kim and replied. "We will get late if you start eating me up now," he playfully teased.

"No worries, I can control myself until tonight, Darling", Kim assured Porchay with a mischievous smile.

Porchay playfully brushed his hand against Kim's thigh, sending shivers down his spine. He leaned towards Kim and whispered, "Let's see!"

Kim then drove to Capella Hotel where they had made reservations for a private dinner by the beach.

As they arrived at the Capella Hotel, they were greeted by a warm and friendly staff. The staff led to a secluded spot by the beach.

"Please wait here, Khun Tankhun will join you shortly," the staff member said with a polite smile. Kim nodded with a cold expression as he watched the staff member walk away.

Porchay leaned and said, "You know you could smile a little. It won't hurt."

"I have reserved my smile only for the people who I love and care about," Kim replied, his eyes fixed on the horizon. Porchay nodded.

As they both waited, Porchay kept looking at the beach and smiled. Kim noticed it.

"Do you wanna go to the beach?", Kim asked which startled Porchay for a moment.

"Um...", Porchay hesitated. "Yes, but---"

"Go." Kim said, gesturing towards the beach.

"But---", Porchay tried to say something, but Kim interrupted him.

"I wasn't asking you.", Kim said assertively. "I am telling you."

"Khab", Porchay said with a slight nod. He immediately got up from his seat and ran towards the beach like a child.

Kim looked at him and mumbled to himself, "Cute"

Kim watched Porchay as he frolicked in the waves and played in the sand.

"Hey!! Small bro! How are you?!", Tankhun exclaimed as he ran towards Kim.

"Khun!", a man said as he ran behind Tankhun. "You might fall!"

"Hey---", Kim said but Tankhun hugged him tight before Kim could finish his sentence.

"Oh. My. God. I am so happy to see you alive, at least.", Tankhun said. Kim raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?", Kim asked as he stepped back from the hug.

"It's Kinn. I couldn't connect to his cell phone. I have been trying for weeks ow.", Tankhun said. "I hope he is not dead, yet"

"Yet?", the man asked in horror.

"What?! We are mafias baby! Someone might kill us even when are taking a dump!", Tankhun said nonchalantly.

"Khun! Don't take like that! It's about your brother.", the man said in a concerned tone.

"Okay khab my dear boyfriend", Tankhun said. " the way Kim this is Dr Top, your soon to be brother in law and Top this is Kim, the one who shares half my DNA and has the most fortunate luck of being related to me!"

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