Chapter 21

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Author's POV

Next Day

Kinn and Kim set off for Chiang Mai.

A Theeranpanyakul private jet was waiting for them at the airport. Soon they reached the airport and boarded their private jet.

On their way, Kinn looked at Kim seriously and said, "You will apologize to Chay when we get there. Understood?"

Kim looked at his brother and raised an eyebrow. "Why should I apologize to him?"

Kinn laughed and said, "Wow, I like your audacity to ask such a question. Especially after what you have been doing to him all this while."

"That's what he was born for...", Kim said as he looked at Kinn. "...spreading his legs like a whore and begging for money."

Kinn looked at him with shock and said, "I seriously don't know what changed in you, Kim. You weren't like this."

Kim looked at him for sometime before looking away. Kinn sighed as he sipped his wine.

"And yeah,", Kinn said as he placed his wine glass down. "If you don't apologize to Chay and make things right, don't expect me to be nice to you."

Kim rolled his eyes. As the private jet soared through the sky, Kim smirked as he thought about the power he held over Chay and how he could use it to his advantage.

Soon, the private jet landed at Chiang Mai International Airport. Kinn and Kim exited the airplane and were greeted by Pond.

"Sawadee Krub, Khun Kinn and Khun Kim," Pond greeted with respectful bow. "Hope you had pleasant flight."

"Sawadee Krub P'Pond,", Kinn greeted back while Kim just smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. Kinn glared at Kim, a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Pond led them to the waiting car, a sleek black Mercedes-Benz, and they got in.

After a few minutes ride, they reached the Kittisawasd Mansion. The ride was smooth with no much traffic because the roads was cleared for the cars of the Kittisawasd Royal Family.

The car parked in front of the grand entrance of the mansion. Pond opened the car door and Kinn stepped out, followed by Kim. Pat came out with joined hands and a warm smile. "Sawadee Khab, Son".

Kinn returned the smile and proceeded to hug him. "Hope you are doing fine, Pa?"

"Yes, dear", Pat said with a gentle pat on Kinn's back. Kinn broke the hug and looked at Kim, who was standing slightly behind him. "This is my brother, Kim"

Pat extended his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Kim"

Kim reluctantly shook Pat's hand, barely managing to conjure up a polite smile. To ease the tension, Kinn interjected, "Pa, where is Chay?"

"He is in his room.", Pat said. Kinn nodded. "How are things?", Kinn asked.

"What do you expect?", Pat asked. Kinn sighed.

"He is angry because he thinks that I didn't care for Namphueng.", Pat said. "The truth is that she didn't even tell me where she was going and left me with Chay."

Kinn listened intently, so did Kim.

"But I understand her too. She left because she couldn't afford to lose her second son also. But...", Pat said. "...she never hated me. She told Chay that I was a good man and asked him to never hate me. But Chay has his reasons to hate me and I respect his feelings."

Kinn nodded. "Can I talk to him?"

"Sure", Pat responded quickly.


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