Chapter 06 🔞

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Kim's POV

After that night, I couldn't take that boy off my mind. It was the most amazing night of my life. And this is the first time I was missing someone I fucked.

I usually don't develop emotional attachment over causal hookups. But he was different. There was something about him that made me crave his presence, even though we had spent some hours together.

I picked my phone and called Big.

"Hello, Khun Kim. How can I help you?", Big said.

"Get me the details of the boy from last night.", I ordered.

"Khab", Big replied.

I sat back as I wasn't in the mood of doing any work. I needed to know about that boy who made me like this.

After some time

As I was sipping some wine, Big knocked and entered the room.

"Khun Kim Khab, I have got the details you asked for.", he said.

I nodded and motioned him to continue. He opened his iPad and started reading.

"His name is Porchay Pichaya. He is 20 years old now. He is right now pursuing a science degree in University of Bangkok. His mother died at a very young age due to some illness. Nobody knows where he is from. Few years back his mother had come to Bangkok with him and they had been settled here since."

"Pichaya?", I repeated, I had heard that name before. I shrugged my thoughts and signaled him to continue.

"He works two jobs. One in a café. He reads books for online listeners. And the second as a bartender."

I nodded and said, "Make arrangements for him to move in here in the third floor. Also make sure he loses both of his jobs."

"Khab", he bowed and left. I had planned to bring into my world this enigmatic boy who had captivated my thoughts.

His innocent face, feminine body and graceful movements stayed with me, haunting me even in my sleep. I couldn't shake off the feeling of wanting to make him my toy, to rip his innocence, and to be the one he could rely on.

I was addicted to his smell and his doe eyes which pierced through my soul. Every time I closed my eyes, I could still feel his touch, taste his lips on mine, and hear his soft pleadings to fuck him.

I was going insane and I couldn't wait to bring him into my house.

After a few days

All the arrangements to bring him here were done. But he had not gone to his college after that night. Maybe because of the hickeys he might have stayed back.

I was waiting for him to get of his dorm and make him realise that he had been left with nothing and there is no one to help him.

And this will force him to move in with me without any objections. The thought of him begging in front of me was enough to make me arouse.

I really liked it when people begged to me to spare their lives and let them go. Their cries were so satisfying for me.

But with him, I wanted him to beg me to show him some mercy while fucking him. I will make sure make him lose his ability to walk forever.


I got a call from Big saying that Porchay has gone to his college and now he was heading towards the café. I asked him to update me after he visits the bar.

Soon Big called.

(On Call)

"Khun Kim Khab", he said. "The boy right now crying in front of the bar"

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