Chapter 23

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Guys, it's a long chapter. There might be mistakes. Please ignore them.


Author's POV

Next Morning

The birds chirped outside as the sun began to peek through the curtains of Porchay's room.

He slowly opened his eyes when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Khun Porchay, your breakfast is ready.", a maid announced. Porchay stretched his arms and yawned.

"Khab. I will be right there in a few minutes.", Porchay said.

After freshening up, Porchay made his way to the dining room where his father was already seated at the head of the table. Porchay wished his father a good morning and took the seat next to him.

They ate their breakfast in a comfortable silence. Pat was happy to have his son back and to have the opportunity to have a meal together.

After breakfast, Pat went to his room while Porchay headed to his room to get dressed for the day. After getting dressed he went to his office. As he sat down at his desk, Pond handed him some files about the allotment of finances in some departments of the Kingdom.

Porchay skimmed through them to understand about the budgets. As he finished going through them, he called the maid and asked her about the whereabouts of Kim and also asked her to tell Kim to come see him immediately.

Porchay leaned back in his chair, sighing deeply. He waited patiently waited for Kim to arrive.

Soon, there was a knock on his office door. "Come in.", Porchay said softly. Kim entered.

"You asked for me (yawns) Khun Porchay?", Kim asked.

"I want to you make me something.", Porchay said, leaning forward on his desk.

"A strong not-too hot Americano?", Kim asked as he yawned slightly.

Porchay chuckled and said, "No."

"Then?", Kim asked.

"I want you to make me some European dishes.", Porchay said. Kim looked at him with confusion spreading across his face.

Porchay continued, "I want Swedish Meatballs, Belgian Fries, Arancini, Souvlaki, and Waffles."

"What? All of them?", Kim asked with a surprised look.

Porchay nodded and said, "Yes, I am craving them."

"Craving them?", Kim asked. "Are you pregnant or something for you to crave them?!"

Porchay laughed heartily and asked, "Why only pregnant women can crave things?"

"But the list is too long!", Kim complained.

"Just do it, I'll be in my room.", Porchay said and stood up from his desk. "No further questions, just get it done."

Porchay then walked out of his office leaving Kim flabbergasted.


Porchay finished watching a movie when he decided to check on Kim. He called the maid and asked her.

"Khun Porchay, Kim is right now in the kitchen preparing.", the maid said. "He hasn't finished preparing them."

"What? I asked him to prepare them two hours ago and he hasn't finished preparing them yet?", Porchay asked in a frustrated tone. "What the hell was he doing during these two hours?"

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