Chapter 2- who's y/n

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*the next morning*


After sleeping on it i decided maybe it was time to let the beta squad know who i am after all i was doing alright myself already with my YouTubing career and getting to know them and maybe featuring in a few things shouldn't affect me too much.

I decided to get dressed into a casual outfit and put sir makeup on and ft Sharky. It was going to be  a surprise for him as i barely ever call him on ft due to the risk of any of the members finding out but his time i wanted them to find out i was ready to be known as Sharky's sister.

Sharky's POV

It had been a long night out with the boys last night. We went out to the club because the night before that Niko's girlfriend had randomly broke up with him. He was absolutely distraught so we'll decided we'd go out and grab a few drinks to go ad lighten the mood but little did we know we'd end up absolutely hammered and would go home waking up with the worst headaches tomorrow.

I decided to sleep in, i don't usually do that but we were out so late i almost had to so i could have a decent recovery. I eventually got up ad refreshened myself along with putting a change of clothes on and sat back down on my bed and started scrolling on TikTok while the sunlight lit m room.

I was chilling for a it until my phone started ringing, i checked the name and it said Y/N. That surprised me as she doesn't normally ring me so i decided to answer it as none of the boys were around.


*ring ring *

Come on sharky answer i said to myself. Finally he answered "Yooooo Y/N how you doing watsup" Sharky said with a slight edge of curiosity in his voice. "Uhmmm... nothing much..i kinda have smthing to tell you thougghh...". I was dragging out my words because I wasn't quite sure how he was going to react. "Oh okay sure tell me, what i it?" His smiley face shifted to a more focussing listening one so he didn't miss what i next tell him. 

"I was thinking about it overnight and i was kind wandering id maybe you could tell the beta squad about me so that i can meet them and you don't have to keep hiding me." I blurted it all out so fast i felt like i was Eminem for a split second. "Woah calm down Y/N. So let me get this straight you've FINALLY decided you want me to tell the beta squad about you. And you'd like for me to introduce you to them or let you meet them." "Yes please"I squeel with excitement "Okay they'll probably want to meet you tomorrow so until then i recommend watching a few of our videos to find out stuff about them and like their names yk" "Okayyy ill see you tomorrow don't forget to send me the address, byeee" "Will do bye"

We ended the call so I decided to plan out my outfit and decided to listen to Sharky and watch some of their videos i also found some of their individual accounts so i watched those ones as well whilst doing some editing and thinking of some video ideas I could use. Whilst watching the videos one guy caught my eye i think his name was Niko he seemed quite close with my brother so i was looking forward to hopefully seeing him tomorrow. It was getting quite late so i decided to head to bed as it was going to be a long day tomorrow.

Sharky's POV

I was so excited Y/N had decided to let me tell the others about her. I know they're going to love her. As i walked out my room i bumped into Chunks and told him to gather all the boys for a meeting downstairs. He seemed confused at first but then i just said i had something to share with  everyone so he looked less stressed.

*5 minutes later*

Everyone in the house was downstairs ready to hear what i had to say. I was kind of nervous but excited to tell them about my sister but i shook all those emotions away and said it. I felt an invisible weight lift of my shoulders that I didn't realise was there. They all were super excited to meet her tomorrow and when i told them about her YouTube they seemed even more happy.

It was getting late so we'll called it a day and headed off to bed. It was up to Y/n now to make an impression on them, i really hope she does well.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now