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Hi guys I just thought I'd  let you know I've literally just got home from holiday so I will try and release a chapter later on today and there will be frequent updates they may range from being daily to upload one day miss the next then upload again sort of thing so sorry but my main aim right now is to upload daily so if I don't spam my comments because I've probably forgotten or just not realised I accidentally didn't properly uploads something.

That's all also thank you guys for reading my story we're almost at 100 views so once we reach that goal I may upload a few extra chapters that day but other than that thank you guys so much and I hope your all enjoying it and remember to right any suggestions, all criticism is respected no matter if it's good or bad.

Okay gtg sleep I'll be back later today as it's halo past midnight rn lol so gimme so time to sleep and I'll get straight to writing and uploading, byeeee.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now