Chapter 20 - Q and A

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Well hello there... yes it's me shocking ik... I bet you'll thought I forgot about you. Well yes I did but I remembered so here's a chapter to make up for it. Your welcome. Anyways I'd much appreciate it if you showed it some love by clicking that little star thing and writing a comment. Anyways I'm not going to give you guys a summary of what happened previously as I can't be bothered so instead read it yourself and go find out. Okay enough about me... BACK TO THE STORY MY LOVELIES.

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Sharky: ready to roll in 3..2..1...

Y/n: hey guys welcome back to my channel and for all my newbies here hi I'm Yn your new fav person in the world 

Y/n: anyways in todays video I'm going to be doing a Q n A and Sharky over here is going to be reading out the questions 

Sharky comes around in front of the camera and smiles and waves before returning to his original spot to start reading out the questions. Whilst Sharky is blocking the view Niko gives me a thumbs up and mouths out that I'm doing great which made my smile a little before I mouthed back a thx.

However all of a sudden Sharky says something that catches me off guard 

Sharky: you guys may think that this is a normal QnA however it's not. We're going to hook Yn up to a lie detector machine so she can't lie herself out of questions she doesn't like.

My face went pale. I had no idea this was going to happen however I know it's going to get me extra revenue so I'm deciding to roll with it. Sharky introduces me to the lie detector dude and helps me get hooked up to the machine. I take a deep breath looking at Niko for support and the questions begun.

Sharky: Okay Yn the first question is an easy one it is why have you been hanging around the Beta squad 

Y/n: this is a simple one to answer many people think I've been hanging around with the beta squad because I'm dating one of them, well that is in fact wrong. I'm actually hanging around with them because Sharky is my brother.

Lie detector man (yk what I'll just call him Dave): true

Sharky: okay next question sort of tying in with your answer, do you like anyone in the beta squad.

I paused thinking about what I was going to answer I looked at Niko and we both made immense eye contact which just made my butterflies worse, as I actually like him but I don't know if he likes me back i mean he's been giving me signs but he might just give them to every girl.

Y/n: uhmmmm... no?

Dave: thats a lie 

Y/n: okay maybe I do but I'm not telling none of you guys who it is 

Sharky: well I think you might have to as on the back it says "if Yn says yes ask her who it is"

Y/n: okay first of all who wrote this second of all do I have to 

Sharky: it's what the comments say and yes I think you have too as it is part of the QnA

Y/n: fine I like... Niko

I couldn't bare to look at him after I said that. What if he doesn't like me back? What if I've just ruined his friendship? What are the fans going to say especially the ones who've been shipping me with lando ever since I came and watched the f1 here in Monaco.

Sharky: OMG... really

Dave: it's true

Sharky: anyways next question do you think you'll be watching more f1 races 

Y/n: ofc I will even if I'm not there physically I always watch them from home gotta support my bestie Danny yk

Dave: true

Sharky: aww how sweet of you I never knew my sister could be nice and supportive 

Yn : (sarcastically) haha very funny

Sharky: I know I am

Sharky: okay one last question who's you best friend 

Y/n: easy my girl Maddie btw guys make sure to go check out her channel I'll link it below

Sharky: okay bye guys thanks for having me 

Y/n: your always welcome on my Chanel okay don't forget to subscribe and like this video otherwise your breath will stink for the next decade byeeee

I turned off the cameras and started downloading the footage waiting to see if Niko would say anything but instead he just stood their silently watching me as I packed away the equipment 

Sharky: yo Yn I'll be off see you tomorrow also I forgot to tell you our pj is booked for tomorrow if you want it come back instead if booking a flight ticket yourself 

Yn: oh thanks that'll be great send me the details

Sharky: will do bye Yn bye Niko

Yn and Niko at the same time: Bye Sharky 

We both stood closely next to one another awkwardly whilst Sharky left. Who was going to break the silence first. The silence engulfed us my breathing became a struggle and I couldn't form a single word until the deathening silence was broken 

Niko: so...

Yn: so....


Another chapter is coming soon 

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now