Chapter 3- meeting Y/N

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*the next morning*


I was approaching their house now, sharky had sent me the address for me to put into Google maps and boy did it take me on a journey. Thankfully i was only a couple of minutes away now so there'd be no more dirt tracks or anything like that. As i looked out my window i saw the house, it was absolutely massive, i was so jealous of my brother but he deserves it after how far he's come.

I just hope i chose the right outfit today i wanted to make a good impression especially on Niko as from the videos boy was he a good looking guy. I hope they can't see how nervous I am, I'm stressing and sweating that much y palms are sticking to the steering wheel.

This is it i am here.

Sharky's POV

I knew Y/N was here soon so me and the boys started rapidly rushing around the house trying to get it somewhat tidy and not looking like a bomb has just gone off. Everyone was running left right and centre putting things back in places organising things and cleaning the dusty floor.

*ding dong*

Everyone darted to the sofa and positioned themselves trying to look normal. We were sat there for a second then we realised some one had to let Y/N in.

"I'll go" AJ the little rodent opened the door for Y/N whilst Chunkz turned on the to and started watching something on Netflix.


I opened the door to see a girl around my height she was very pretty her hair was straightened and it looked like she recently had it dyed. "Hi you must be Y/N I'm AJ nice to meet you" I introduced myself and hugged the girl she smelt so good and seemed so sweet i wonder why Sharky never told us about her. "Yes that's me Y/N nice too meet you AJ where are the other's" she spoke with a soft voice but was still clear so i could hear her.

 "They're just through here" i said guiding her towards where we're all sat i jumped onto the sofa next to chunkz and she stood their kind of awkwardly not knowing where to sit.

Sharky's POV

"Y/N you're here!" I jumped up with excitement to see my sister after ages. I started to introduce her to everyone and they all kind of stared at her in awe in particular AJ. I swear if that little rodent lays one hand on her i might just have to beat him up. Although I saw Niko was sort of isolating himself which is unusual for him as he's usually full of banter, oh well maybe it's just one of his off days.

Nikos's POV

As I saw Y/N turn the corner I was immediately in awe. She was so stunning even prettier than in her YT videos, I've had a slight crush on her for a month probably why my gf ended up breaking up with me but I would never tell the boys this. 

I knew she was probably going to be sticking around for a while so I've come to the conclusion that I'm just going to try and isolate myself from her so hopefully I'll loose feelings but it's going to be tricky.


As I walked in a tall curly haired boy immediately caught my eye, Niko. Although, he didn't seem as lively as he does usually. After hugging Sharky and being introduced to everyone I saw a spot on the sofa next to Niko so I decided to sit down there.

I tried to have a conversation with Niko but he was barely replying will full sentences. Maybe he was just a bit tired I thought to myself so I decided to sort of sit back and relax.

Although, even though Niko did see him in a mood I kept seeing him staring at me then quickly looking away when I looked back at him which I thought was a bit odd but oh well.

Chunks POV

I noticed that Y/N and AJ were pretty much the same night so I decided to call it out once everyone had been introduced and chilled for a bit. "Yo guys guess what I realised the rat and Sharky's sis are the same night look, guys go back to back" i caked out.

Y/N and AJ stood back to back annoyed that they were pretty much being called out for being short. "Omg guys finally AJ's taller than someone and it's my own sister, we've now got two rats in the household" Sharky caked out causing everyone but AJ and Y/N to burst out in laughter.

*later in the day*

Sharky's POV 

I knew Y/N would have to drive quite far to get home and it was getting quite late so I suggested for Y/N to stay over to the squad. "Yes she should she's been great today i don't see why she shouldn't however we've run out of spare bedrooms for her to stay in" Chunks called it which was actually i pretty reasonable comment. "She could stay in my room" AJ called out "Where would you sleep though" I asked "In the same bed ofc" I was not happy with him sleeping with my sister so I immediately said no.

Niko then called out that she could stay in his room. "I can sleep on my sofa in my room she can take my bed" Niko said which I was happy with so we all agreed on her staying with Niko in his room. I saw Y/N get all flustered by this so I got a bit suspicious but decided ti push those feelings to a side.

Niko's POV

She was so pretty no matter how much I didn't want to socialise with her I didn't want her to leave just yet so I volunteered to let her stay in my room which surprisingly everyone agreed upon. However, there was one thing I would have ti socialise with her now she's staying in my room.

"This is my room feel free to grab some clothes from my cupboard and change before bed in my bathroom I'll set up to sleep on the sofa" when she came out of the bathroom wearing my clothes she looked so cute I just wanted to cuddle her all night but I knew she probably didn't feel the same way.

Y/N's POV 

Niko was being so sweet I was half tempted to sleep on the sofa and let him have his bed but I knew I wouldn't sleep if that happened.

Niko pulled me into a surprising companionate hug before saying good night which kind of caught me off guard. He smelt so good I just wanted to stay in his arms forever but I knew he probably didn't feel the same way. We got into bed and turned off the lights.


I might right some smut in the next chapter or further on into the stir but I'll give you warnings before hand and don't worry the night isn't over yet I've got more still to come.

Also free to send me any suggestions or ideas to include in the study and I'll tag you at the start or end. Thank you also I hope your enjoying this so far 

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