Chapter 18- new video?

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Hiya my lovelies. I can't sleep and I'm bored so I've decided to write a little chapter of the next morning the next couple of chapters however should be much more lengthy and detailed but I hope you like this little cute one.



I woke up with Niko's arms wrapped around me, tightly pulling me in to his chest. Even after sleeping he still smelt so good. I decided not to wake him so I laid down in his arms thinking about how far I've come.

I went from being the shy girl on YouTube who didn't want her brother to tell his friends about her because she was scared of what they'd think to meeting up with old friends and thriving with beta squad and moving on from all the negative past.

Speaking of YouTube I really need it upload a video on their soon as I haven't posted in a while and I bet my fans have been wandering where I've been. Although I'm sure they've seen my collabs with beta squad. The public don't actually know me and Sharky are siblings so the majority of comments say I'm only in the videos because I'm dating one of the members they mostly say Niko which I find kinda cute yet odd at the same time as they barely know me. I think I'm going to try and do a q and a so the media can stop nagging me with questions.

Niko looked so cute asleep on defined curl stuck up on top of his head. I loved brushing my hands through his hair it was so soft and smelt like heaven. I must've woken him up when I moved to face him because he was now looking at me with admiration.


Niko's POV

I woke up to the feeling of Yn between my arms. Even in the morning with her crazy hair she still looked so good. I don't know how any one could mistreat a girl so pretty she really does deserve the world.

Which reminds me, at some point I need to find out who could ever hurt her so much and what she was doing secretly at a party by herself especially one so crazy. I decided I'd let her have some peace for now though as list night must've been so chaotic and I bet she's got a huge hangover from all the alcohol although she seems to have woken up perfectly fine at a reasonable hour. I should probably lend her some clothes so she can get out of that tight dress



I forgot about the worse thing when getting drunk. The hangover. I managed to wake up at 8am but thats only because the Monaco son is beaming on my face. I also need to get out of the restricting outfit and have a shower.

Yn "hey Niko not to bother you but I'm going to take a shower and I was wandering if yiu have any clothes I can borrow"

Niko "umm Yh sure I'll pic something out for you and leave it outside the bathroom door, I'm going to go grab some breakfast do you want anything"

Yn "no thank you however a water would be nice and any headache tablets you have"

Niko "Yh sure okay I'll be back in ten minutes"

Yn "okay bye"

Niko "bye Yn"

His shower was really nice it had one of those rainfall showers that pretty much give yiu a head message and I decided to use some of his soaps and they smelt lush. I grabbed a dry towel and removed my excess make up with a cloth. None of the members of beta squad have seen me without makeup except sharky obviously so I was kind of scared for him to see me naturally but I've learnt to ignore those negative thoughts as so far they've always been wrong.

I stepped outside the bathroom and picked up the clothes Niko had laid out for me and got changed. I actually looked good in his clothes he had gave me so Nike baggy trouser/jogger thingies and an oversized ndl hoodie.

I then spotted the pills and water and took them immediately and before I knew it Niko was back. I knew he'd probably want to talk about what happened last night but I'm not really ready to talk about it right now so I'm going to distract him instead.

Yn "hey Niko do you like"

I gave him a twirl in the clothes he's let me borrow which I'm defo keeping by the way or at least the jumper it's so comfy.

Niko "hi omg I love it you look stunning"

He then pulls me in for a hug we look up to each other whilst we're still in one another's embrace. For a second it's like we're about to kiss but then we let go of each other. Something inside me was about to go in for it too but I reminded myself that it's far too soon.

Yn "thank you so much"

Niko "umm do you want to talk abou-"

Yn "so Niko I've got this idea for my YouTube where basically you can q and a me using fans questions and I'll answer them"

Niko "umm Yh seems fun when do you want to film it"

Yn "maybe after lunch"

Niko "okay well I'm thinking about meeting up with the boys and going on a little walk around Monaco do you want to join 

Yn "Yh sure I'll head back to my room and get dressed. Actually that reminds me I need to pick up my car do you mind dropping me off at my car then I'll meet up with you later"

Niko "Yh sure no problem I'll send you the location"

Yn "thank you right to my car"


It's just a little extra chapter but I hope you guys like it. Also will Yn tell Niko about what happened in the next chapter and what QnAs do you think Yn will be asked. Make sure to save this book by adding it to your library or reading list and possibly even drop a little follow if you've enjoyed this or star it. Bye my lovelies.

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