Chapter 9- questions

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I sat myself down in the chair they had set up I sort of knew what kind of questions they'd be asking and what about but I don't believe I am fully prepared for this.

Sharky: "Everyone is gathered here right now to question y/n. Why? Some of you may ask, well if you can't remember earlier in the day y/n admitted to dating Jude Bellingham and Lando Norris but that's all she told us about them so now is our opportunity of camera to ask her about them."

Y/N: "okay guys go ahead who's got a question for me"

AJ: "I'll start nice and simple who did you date first"

Y/N: "Jude"

Chunkz: "How'd you meet Jude"

Y/N: "This one is a long answer so get comfy. First I'll give you guys a bit of background so it makes sense. I've always been close with the majority of the England squad and I'm best mates with one of the members, mason mount. 

Sharky does not know about this as me and him are step-siblings. Me and Mason grew up on the same road together and he used to always invite me to his games as I loved watching him play this was until I moved out due to mine and Sharky's parents meeting. I still kept in touch with mason and went to a few games it was around this time I met Maddie actually who is also good friends with her. 

Mase would still invite me too his games even when he was playing for Chelsea and ofc I went to the majority of them but I just acted like a usual fan hence why our friendship isn't very public or well public really at all. As the days went on Mase would start inviting me to some of his England training sessions and games as well due to us being so busy we could barely see one another. 

This is where I met Jude, over the time I spent there we got closer with one another and we started dating however we broke it off due to a mutual feeling that we would be better as friends and not partners. Me and Jude still keep in touch to this day. Also at the camp I was introduced to Trent one of your guys friends I believe and we've also became good mates so I'm still close with the majority of the squad even though me and Jude broke up. Yh thats all of Jude's story." 

Maddie: "wow that was a lot of word y/n it got pretty boring tbf though as I knew most of this already tbf I don't even know why I'm down here I basically know everything there is to know about y/n but oh well it's kinda funny watching your faces change as she mentions stuff"

Y/N: "cheers Maddie for that very useful feedback"

Maddie: "Your welcome"

Kenny:  "First of all it's so cool how you know most of the England squad, please introduce us sometime. Secondly, can you now tell us how you got with Lando as that was defo not what we were expecting neither was Jude to be fair but that doesn't matter."

I knew Lando was a tricky one because there are still a lot of things unsolved and I'm still white close with some of the others within f1 so I might actually not tell them too much about my relations but oh well, we will see how this goes 

Y/N: "Uhm so this is a more complicated story so try to follow along. Me and Lando met yet again through Mason. Me, Mase, Jude, Trent, Ricey and Maddie had all gone to watch the F1 Monaco Grand Prix as me and her were big fans and the other boys thought they'd tag along 'for our safety' but secretly they were with us as they liked f1 too.

Mase had secured us all paddock passes to the event as he had recently collabed with Lando and done an advertisement and during this they became good friends. As they got so close Lando gave him some paddock passes for him and whoever wants to go to come to his race so obviously he accepted the offer.

We all got into the paddock in Monaco and that's where we ran into Lando. He spotted Mase so he jogged over to us away from some of his friends. I was stood next to Mase whilst Jude and Trent were kind of hanging behind us then a few paces behind was Maddie and Ricey who had spotted Charles and were pretty much harassing him for an autograph and picture even though they're celebs themselves.

Lando spotted me next to Mase and introduced himself, we immediately clicked and chatted throughout the whole day whenever he wasn't driving or talking with his team of course . We got close and exchanged numbers so we could keep talking and meet up outside of f1.

Overtime we eventually asked one another and the relationship was very genuine and meaningful. However due to our busy lives and lack of time to actually properly communicate we got into lots of arguments so we eventually decided we'd take a 6 month break to give us plenty of time to sort our lives out and make space for proper time with one another so we completely went ghost mode on each other and I stopped talking to other f1 drivers as often because if my annoyance with lando which I kind of regret doing as it was none of their faults. I also stopped going to Grand Prix's so I didn't bump into him luckily our relationship wasn't public so no one noticed this happening.

The 6 months had finished, however during this lando had been caught kissing a girl this was a one time thing and he claims it was an accident and she forced herself on him but I'm not sure his much I trust him. Because if this we never spoke again and I never went back to a race too see hi, even though I would have absolutely died to go and watch one race in person I stopped myself because I couldn't bare the thought of seeing him in person and seeing all those friends I was once close to now left on delivered .

This was all years ago now I've moved on and actually tried to go to a few races but I never seem to have the time or money so yh."

Kenny: "No way all that just to be left with that outcome"

Chunkz: "Yh bro seriously pretty much cheated on you I would not have that y/n and I'm sure a few of us guys would love it go to the f1 with yiu and contribute some money in it just give us a message and we'll sort it out"

Niko: "Yh I'd love to go with you y/n as I'm an f1 fan myself we could even get paddock pass together that way you can have fun and I can sort them out."

Y/N: "awww thx you guys however Niko there will be no sorting out of anybody but the paddock passes would be much appreciated"

Chunkz: "Okay y/n we'll sort it all out, I think we've heard enough from questions for now so how about we all chill out"

Yes finally it was over and I think it was so sweet how the guys are all offering to take me, Maddie says she wants to tag along as well. Maybe I could get the squad close to the England players so some of them could come as well. Only time will know, I'll just have to stick around for now.


Big surprise coming up guys so be prepared also hope you enjoyed this chapter. I also go back to school in a couple of days so if the chapter quality ever drops thats why but for now by guys, I'll upload some more tomorrow as it's getting late here. Byeeee

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