Chapter 10- it's a match

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Just thought I'd say guys, I'm feeling quite Ill so sorry if this isn't the best but like I said I promise to give u guys frequent updates so here's the next chapter.

*a few weeks later*

Y/N's POV 

Me and Maddie had been planning to take the boys to the England training ground so we could shoot a video and let the beta squad meet our football gang. It is a surprise for all of them but mainly Chunkz as it's his and Maddie's one week anniversary and no I don't mean they got married but it would make sense if it was because of that, but no it's because they finally asked each other out, it's a bit silly if you ask me but whatever.

Speaking of asking people out, i'm considering asking Niko out at the training ground as we've been flirting nonstop recently, even the others have called us out for it. He has been super affectionate recently as well, at one point yesterday in the cinema we nearly kissed but then AJ walked in with Sharks and we just  returned to acting normal however, we haven't really spoken that much since then.

Also, I surprisingly got a message from Danny the over day this shocked me as we hadn't spoken to each other in ages the last time we spoke he was driving for McLaren but right now he's a reserve driver for red bull racing, pretty cool if you ask me.

*this was their chat*


Danny 🏎️: hey y/n x

Y/N 💕: uhm hiya x

Y/N 💕: is everything alr x

Danny🏎️: Yh yh all is good It's been a long time since we last spoke x

Y/N💕: Yh it has x...

Danny🏎️: uhm can I ask you a question x

Y/N💕: yh sureee x

Danny🏎️: would you like too meet up sometime and catch up x

Y/N💕: yes I would love too I've missed our little gossips at the track x

Danny🏎️: Yes I've missed them too, how come you stopped coming too races x

Y/N💕: Take a guess

Danny🏎️: Lando x...

Y/N💕: mhm x

Danny🏎️: tbf he does say he misses you lots and how sorry he is about what happened x

Y/N💕: yh okay, how's red bull anyway x 

Danny🏎️: Uhm how do you know 

Danny🏎️: WHO TOLD U

Y/N💕: woahhh calm down no need to shout x

Y/N💕: Jus bc I'm not at the races doesn't mean I'm not watching them from home lol x

Danny🏎️: Oh yh forgot you could do that x

Danny🏎️: Anyways red bull is good, in fact they've gave me paddock passes to give to any amount of people and you can chill out in the garage I think the race is Monaco  x

Danny🏎️: So what do you say, u up for a good old chat in the RB garage x

Y/N💕: Obviouslyy yesssss x

Y/N💕: I'll send u a list of who's coming x

Danny🏎️: Ohh a list, I didn't know you had so many friends x

Y/N💕: oh shut up it's been nice talking to u again but I've gtg I'll see you in Monaco x

Danny🏎️: Yess okay byeee miss u x

Y/N💕: bye miss u too x

*time skip to arriving at England training camp*

We were nearly there now we had rented out a mini bus to get their that way I could record everyone's reactions for my YouTube. 

As we showed up the gate Maddie jumped out of her seat at the same time as me and yelled "surprise" just like we'd planned. Then the gates opened to show their massive ground and everyone but me and Maddie were shocked. We parked up and the bus door opened and Gareth Southgate walked on board.

He came over and hugged me and whispered "I missed having England's biggest supporter here" he may seem like an old grump but really he's nice like that one grandad you may have. 

Gazza: "Hello guys welcome to England training ground today you'll meet some of our selected players and play a football match. The teams will be decided by how you act and train so best of luck and I'll see you all in there."

All of beta squad: "yes sir"

I giggled at their synchronisation and started leading them to the door where they'll meet my good friends 

Y/N: Okay guys best behaviour 

Niko: okay miss

Y/N: Shush you schmuck everyone laughed at me getting Niko and he laughed to. Okay her we go I muttered to myself.

"Y/N" I heard some people yell then all of a sudden I was pulled into a tight hug. I immediately knew it was mason by his super strong cologne. Like no wonder he doesn't pull that cologne burns nostrils instead of making u fall in love. Anyways I sunk into his caring hug 

Y/N: Mase your suffocating me 

Mase: oops sorry who's this you've brought with you

Individually I introduced each beta squad member then I showed Maddie but he already knew her.

Then I saw Jude jogging over with rice and Trent.

Trent: Yo Mase how come you didn't tell us we've got guests 

Mase: Suprise?

Mason releases me just for trent to give me a little hug 

Y/N: Yo guys, Trent you've met the beta squad and Maddie haven't you

Trent: yes I have nice to see you guys (he goes in and shakes hands with all of them)

Y/N: however you too haven't apart from Maddie that one time

Jude: Uhm yes correct ( he says not knowing if he should hug me or not)

I introduce everyone then lean in to give Jude a big hug which he accepts 

After we al caught up and chatted we set up the cameras to record us doing some training. Me, Mase, Jude and Maddie were all fighting each other against who was the best at training whilst the others were having a laugh at some of the drills.

After a long day off training Gaza called us all in to put us in our groups for the matches. Me, mase, trent,Niko and AJ were on one team whilst the rest were put up against each other. Trent is defence, Niko is I'm goal , AJ and Mase were mid and I was striker. We were set up to win, Chunkz was in goal and every time I went to shoot he'd run out of goal and let me score. Niko was a good godly but thankfully tent did most of the work.

The day had finished and we were on our way home Niko had seemed distant all day which is odd so I decided not to ask him out. Secretly though I told Mase, Trent, Jude and Ricey about going to the  f1 Monaco gp and they're all up for it now I've just got to tell the others. Maybe Maddie could help me suprise them. Oh well I'll sleep on it and decide in the morning.


I hope this chapter was alr I'll upload tomorrow byeeee

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