Chapter 16 - the after party

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Hi lovelies I'm so so sorry for not updating and usually I'd promise to make up for it and update more quickly but I don't have the time and right mindset to do so. So for now this might be another one off chapter for a little while. I love reading messages and I would much appreciate if you guys gave me some words of encouragement if possible to persuade me to keep right but obvi you don't have too if you don't want too. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter I'll try and make it as lengthy as possible to make it up to you guys but my ability to write isn't at its highest so don't expect anything spectacular. Also if you haven't already I'd recommend adding this book to your library or reading list so you can stay up to date with chapters. Thats all for now love you guys and I really appreciate those of you who comment and write messages etc. Anyways enjoy byeeeee



I watched the race with eagerness counting down the laps and praying for none of my favs to crash. Lando was looking really good in the car this race so I was really hoping he'd get that podium he deserves.

Unfortunately for Charles though, the Monaco bad luck had gotten to him again and even though he says he doesn't believe in it I'm starting to think it's really getting to him. It's such as shame for him especially as it's his home race it's even worse as well as he was looking really good at the start of this season but I think this race is probably going to put some pressure on him.

Anyways enough of focussing on Charles I was more engaged in Lando's race. Well I say that but actually even though I look as if I'm super focused on watching him I was really thinking about how Niko might react after finding out about Lando paying for my room and me speaking to him again.

Me and Niko have been getting even closer over this last couple days and people are really believing we are actually dating even all our friends have started shipping us. Me and Niko sort  of shrug it off but I can see him secretary blushing just like me. I'm thinking of possibly asking him out soon if not tomorrow then maybe when we're back in the uk and I can really plan everything out to perfection.

However if Lando gets in the way he might just ruin It. I'm not going to lie but I think I still have some feelings for him like I know we went our separate ways and moved on from the past mostly  something about him just stuck with me. Even thought I didn't actually think about him on a day to day basis I think my feelings about him do still exist as I never properly dismissed them I kinda just forced them down a bottled them up but I think being at this race has re opened them.

I am genuinely annoyed at myself for this though as I want to pay all my attention to Niko but I can't do it. Maybe I shouldn't ask him out after all.

Wait what? No I shouldn't listen to myself?

I'm being stupid. Think about what he's done Yn 

Think about how much better of person Niko is than him 

You love Niko with your heart not Lando 

I managed to get a grip of myself and stop thinking about other people and actually enjoy this race. It ended up getting pretty chaotic as some reasonably heavy rain appeared out of know where and not everyone had the right tires on for it. This meant that drivers like Perez spun out and crashed into the walls as they didn't have any grip thankfully none of these drivers were hurt. Lucky for lando Mclarens crew were ahead of the game and has picked up that rain already on the radar and pitted both of their drivers for inters, this was a smart decision as it gave them the grip they needed and lando a chance at getting that podium.

The race was finally over Oscar finished eighth unfortunately for him, he would've Ben fifth but Lance bumped him a bit whilst sliding across the track in the rain. However lando managed to secure third and get driver of the day I was so proud of him and I knew he'd be happy. This will be good for speaking to him later as at least he won't be in a bad mood before we speak.

I went and joined Niko and the boys to go watch the celebrations except Maddie and Chunkz. They were probs off somewhere eating each others face off.

I noticed them too getting really close over the past weekend way closer than how me and Niko had gotten. I've got a slight inkling they may be secretly together but I didn't want to go confronting them in case I was wrong.

Lando had messaged me he said he won't be able to meet me at the garage after the celebrations as he's busy with media things but he gave me an invite to the drivers after party instead so we can talk there.

One thing about this after party is that only I can go as I've been invited as his plus one, this means that none of my friends can come with me and have my back in case anything goes wrong. Luckily I know Daniel will be there so I knew at least he offer me some support if Lando tries anything.

I decided to accept this offer and I wasn't going to tell anyone else about this though especially Niko as I don't want anything bad to happen. I decided to spend the rest of my day with the group instead speaking to fans, buying merchandise and filming etc.

I did get a chance to talk to Lewis though. He had such a good mindset and heart even when racing. I always want to be like him and be kind to everyone so I asked him on some tips on how to deal with Lando if anything goes wrong and his advice was actually really good and I was defo going to take it on board and use it later.

I enjoyed the rest of my evening leading up the party. I picked out the most stunning revenge dress  ever and chilled with the group and spent some quality time with Niko watching films and snuggling etc. I the headed back to my hotel as I felt 'tired' when really I was just getting ready to go party my but off.

I got in my Mercedes I had rented and started heading to the location I decided to have one pre drink before heading there to releave the tension and then I prepared myself ready to go in.


Hi me again yes I know this chapter is written in one perspective but I'll try and include more in the next y'all.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now