Chapter 6- where we going

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Maddie's POV

Ugh I was so annoyed at her how could she not tell me she was staying over here during the night. She had me pacing around our apartment worried sick about where she could be.

Thankfully Y/N had given me Sharky's number ages ago in case she ever had something happen to her so I was able to find out from him where she was.

Sharky let me into the house and told me to make myself feel at home. Before going to the house I reasoned Y/N hadn't brought anything with her (ofc she's so forgetful sometimes) so I packed a suitcase full of all the things she could possibly need and gave it to AJ so him  and Sharky could bring it up to her room whilst I waited for her downstairs.

Me and Y/N were meant to film a video today as we haven't posted in ages but it seems like she's forgot thankfully chunks has offered for us to collab and be in their video there filming today so obviously I said yes as Y/N will have no idea what's going on so it will be well hilarious plus since it's on their account it should get me and Y/N some views on our Chanels or should I say Y/N's as it's mainly her's I just help her run it and do a few Collins after all it is called all abt Y/N.

*a few minutes later*

Maddie: "Where you been, I've been worried sick. A I'm okay message would've been alr"

Y/N: "I'm so so sorry Maddie if I had remembered I would've messaged you quicker"

Maddie: "yh yh I forgive you anyways are you ready to go out"

Y/N: "yh I am speaking of which do yk where we going"

Maddie: "yes I do but it's going to be a surprise"


Before I could ask her anymore questions to find out where we going Niko and Chunks came into the living room along with Sharky AJ and Kenny plus some camera men me and Maddie did it know.

Chunks then lead us all to two cars. Me, Maddie, Niko, Chunks and two camera men in one and the rest in the other. The whole way there I saw Maddie and Chunks giving each other glances and giggling this made me very suspicious and nervous. Niko must've noticed and held me hand the whole way rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand in an attempt to soothe me ngl it kinda worked.

When we entered the building I saw a row of chairs for all of us with a bunch of wires to attach except one and a podium without any wires. All that could go through my mind was what on god's green earth is going on.


Come back next chapter when it's released to find out what's happening and what Chunks and Maddie have been giggling abt this whole journey.

I kinda enjoyed writing this chapter but remember I might nit write for a few days as I'm going away but I promise their will be frequent updates again after but for now bye guys (not being gender specific) and I'll try and write and release another chapter tomorrow but no promises.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now