Chapter 17- Niko are you there?

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Hiya it's been ages since I've last wrote how have you all been? I hope you're okay and Merry Christmas, Happy New year or happy whatever you're celebrating wherever you are. And if you're not celebrating anything I hope you've had a lovely winter so far anyways. 

I hope you guys enjoy this drama also I'm not sure what yn's endgame should be whether she's dating lando or Niko or maybe even someone completely different of your choice i Jude for instance so it would be really useful if you guys could make a decision and vote so I know who to write more about. Also Ik the title says enemies to lovers but I might change that plot a little but we'll see. Anyways lovelies let's continue with this story .



I pulled up to the location I could hear the musics base thumping from outside the building. I was so not looking for the headache I was going to get but in the end it's all part of the experience when it comes to having a good party.

I still wasn't really sure what exactly we were celebrating to be fair so I had no idea who to congratulate so I decided whilst driving here that I'm just going to roll with it and just start random conversations with people who approach me so I can hopefully make them forget what they came over for.

I entered the building and headed straight to the bar. Alcohol is the only thing that's going to help me get through this night. Thankfully I can see Danny's over there with max, many people don't like max because of how he's portrayed on to but in real life he's a genuine and nice guy and of course Daniel is just one of my fav people ever. If I'm really sad he's one of the only people who can make me happy again along with Niko and Maddie.

Speaking of Niko, somewhere inside me I felt a sense of guilt for not telling him I was coming here and speaking to lando. I mean it's not like where dating or anything so their is no need for me to tell him but yet for some reason I feel as though I'm cheating on him, as if I'm betraying his trust. I shrugged those emotions off and sat next to Daniel and ordered myself a whisky.

Danny: "Well hello Yn already ordering a whisky without even saying hello, you might want to take it easy yk, don't want a repeat of last time"

Oh Yh I forgot to mention last time I was at one of these silly party thingies I may have overdone it with the alcohol and got super drunk. One thing lead to another and next thing I know I'm throwing myself at lando trying to kiss him and eventually i through up over him. I can't obviously remember this as I was completely hammered (slang for basically saying super drunk) but it's what I've been told. The next day I remember waking up to the smell of pancakes but i wasn't in my bed it turned out lando brought me home and I slept in his bed whilst he slept on the sofa, it was honestly so cute but that's enough about lando.

Y/N "haha very funny Danny, I'll have you know that I'm much less of a light weight now than I used to be so a few drinks aren't going to hurt"

Sooner or later I was going to regret saying that but thats for further into this chapter.

Max "yo Yn how've you been I haven't seen you in like..."

You could tell he was already slightly drunk by his slurring of words and dramatic actions. Don't blame him to be fair alcohol makes these parties so much better.

Max "...forever"

He then pulls me into a really tight hug. I missed his hugs they were so warm and meaningful I felt as though I was safe in his touch. When he released me I then spotted lando side eyeing me whilst his friends were chatting to him. What was he staring at. Oh well I'll speak to him later. After a few drinks maybe I want to be at least tipsy before speaking to him otherwise there is no chance I was making through it. One after one I was throwing shots down my through whisky sharing jokes with max and Danny. Oh how I've missed these times.

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