Chapter 7- the lie detector test

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Niko grabbed my hand as he saw my face was full of panic. He was very sweet like that, he always knows how to comfort me when he can sense somethings wrongs and I love that about them.

"Welcome to Beta Squad lie detector test" I heard someone say as we all sat down in our seats except from chunks who went to stand behind the podium.

I immediately knew what was going on me and Niko had been set up so we'd participate in this YouTube video and do this lie detector test. This was probably however mainly because of me partially because I had been kept a secret from the beta squad about being sharky's sister and also probably partially because of what happened last night with Niko.

I saw Maddie and Chunks absolutely wetting themselves at mine and Niko's reactions and sort of flirting with each other which I found cute but i was also slightly annoyed at them for setting us up.

A few minutes later once we were all settled and sat down chunks started to explain the video to us all from his podium.

"Today guys on beta squad we are gathered her with Maddie and Y/N from all about y/n... for todays video we're going to be doing a lie detector test everyone will get the same questions and if the test says your lying you'll get electrocuted hence why there's wires attached to you (he then waves the controller to all our chairs)... okay are the rules clear " everyone nodded the the questions begun he started off with easy ones to check it worked like "have you ever made a YouTube video" we all said he as after all we are YouTubers but then as the questions progressed they got worse.

"Does anyone like as in 'like like' anyone in this room"

Sharky: no "true"

Maddie: yes "lie"

Maddie: "that's not a lie, oh wait yes it is"

(Everyone laughs)

Y/N: no "lie" (secretly I like Niko but I don't know if he likes me)

Niko: yes "true" (he turns to face me and winks I hope no one caught that on camera)

Kenny: no "true"

AJ: no "hmm... it's inconclusive try it again"

AJ:no "true"

"Okay at the end of this round the two guests Maddie and Y/N have both lied so peeper to suffer you lying schmucks"

Everyone was creasing as me and Maddie jilted and suffered whisky electric shocks were sent through us even Niko was laughing however he did try not too at first but he couldn't hold it in.

After that round we took a break and Niko came over to me and checked I was okay. Luckily I was so he seemed more relieved after he then pulled me in to a tight hug and said "I'd never want for anyone to hurt you"  my heart started beating rapidly and I was blushing those so I tried to hide my face a little. I noticed the others sort of staring at us except chunks and Maddie who would nit stop flirting with each other, I swear Maddie has got better rizz than me and I have dated an f1 driver and footballer and I'm pretty sure one slid into my dm's the other day but I can't remember who. Anyways I shook it off and returned to my seat and they set up the cameras again.

"Okay the next question is have u dated anyone famous before"

Sharky: yes "lie"

Sharky: "Yh I know I can't pull anyone" 

Y/N: "yup but you can pull, push doors though"

Everyone laughed 

Maddie: no "true"

Y/N: yes "true"

Chunks: "really who actually we'll ask you at the end of the round"

Niko: no "true" (I was kinda relieved he said 'no', would i have been jealous if he said yes?)

Kenny: yes "lie"

Kenny: "just wanted to check it was working"

Aj: no "true"

Chunks: "at the end of this round both Sharky and Kenny have lied however we still need to find out what celebrities y/n has dated"

Y/n: so there is one footballer Jude Bellingham we remain good friends and one f1 driver land Norris"

AJ: Two

Sharky: uhm you never told me about them 

Y/N:uhm you never asked I said sarcastically and everyone cheered 

Maddie: y/n with the rizz (I death stared her she then mouthed a sorry)

Y/n: "anyways those are all in the past and I'm now single and in the present and even though I'm not necessarily looking for a guy at the moment it doesn't mean I won't decline the offer"

A few of them turned to face Niko after I said that and he sort of blushed and shrugged it off. I thought it was quite cute how he sort of got embarrassed.


We'd finished filming and got in the same cars as last time Niko held my hand the whole time which I found quite sweet however I saw AJ almost death staring us which was a bit odd but I kind of just tried to forget about it. Maddie and Chunks were yet again flirting the whole way back and so were me and Niko.

I knew when we got to there  home there was going to be lots of questions about my past relationships but for now I decided to enjoy Niko's company and almost snuggle against  him as it was only us at the far back of the car and relax for the moment until we arrive.


I'm still on holiday so there's not going to be any frequent posts yet but I will legend I'm back which is semi-soon.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now