Chapter 15- before the race

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Hiya I'm alive ya'll like I said I am releasing a chapter today so here  it is. I'm so sorry for keeping you busy waiting for so long I was Ill then I was super busy with school but I've started to be more organised again and hopefully that means I can release more chapters more frequently but anyways that's enough about me, enjoy this chapter guys. Also not to be rude but I'd love if you'll could not be dry readers and type comments as I love reading them even hate ones can make me giggle from time to time. Anyways love you'll and enjoy this.



Me and Niko walked into the garage I was mostly nervous but somewhat excited to see Lando again, we haven't spoken in ages so I have no idea what it will be like but I'm hoping it will be something good. After all he did get me that really nice room in the hotel speaking of which I was sneaking around last night trying to grab some alcohol to relief my tension and I realised Lando's room was just a few doors down as I saw him go into his room just as I exited mine.

I spotted the guys and Maddie speaking to some of the engineers and getting their headphones they seemed to be really enjoying their time. I headed over to the footballers whilst Niko joined the rest of the beta squad group.

Mase: "so did you and Niko get up to anything whilst we were gone"

I'd forgot to mention I may or may not have told the guys about my little crush on Niko they suggested asking him out whilst we're here as it's the perfect spot but I haven't built up the courage to do so yet. People have been posting all over social media together about believing me and Niko are together and shipping us in all the content we have together. To be fair I do see it as we are pretty much constantly flirting with one another during our videos but neither of us have taken it a step further.

Y/N "no nothings happened yet why'd you ask"

Jude: "have you not seen the tweets and posts all over insta"

Y/N: "no I haven't why what do they say"

Trent: "people saw Niko grab your hand as he dragged you out of that crowd of paparazzi and then you guys hugging later and they think you guys are dating"

Y/N: "wait what really?! I should probably check that"

Mase: "yh probably anyways we are going to head on our paddock walk are you coming or are you going later"

Y/N "yiu guys go ahead I'm going to check my social then do the walk with like Maddie or something I'll see you all before the race starts bye"

"Okay bye" they all said In unison as they exited the garage onto the paddock in excitement by all the things around them

I'd spotted Danny sat down talking to someone who works in the garage and since he isn't racing I decided to head over there and join him.

Y/N "dannyyyyyy"

Danny "omg y/n I haven't seen you forever and YOUR HEAR"

He squealed with excitement whilst he pulled me into the tightest hug ever.

Y/N "I haven't seen you in ages, I've missed moments like these so much"

Danny " me too, anyways we should start our chat soon because the race starts on around 45 minutes"

Y/N "well I'm thinking of doing the paddock walk with a few friends if you'd like to join me"

Danny "ofc let's head over to them and go"

Y/N "okayyyy"

I walked over to Maddie who was stood with Chunkz whilst Danny followed behind me apologising to anyone I bumped into with my brisk pace as I didn't want to miss out anything.

Y/N "Maddie me and Danny are going to do the paddock walk do you want to join"

Maddie "Yh sure Chunkz is coming as well if that's okay"

Y/N "yh sure I might bring the others along as well if they want to join"

Maddie "yh okay I'll meet you outside in five"

Y/N "yh okay see you in a bit"

Danny "oh wait i remember Maddie yiu and her came to the Monaco Grand Prix together a few years ago"

Y/N "yh thats her anyways I'll introduce you to everyone in a second lemme just grab the others"

Danny "yh okay see you outside in a few" 

I grabbed Niko Sharky AJ and Kenny and told them all to follow me outside for the paddock walk and they all just followed behind me. Eventually when everyone was on the track I introduced them all one by one to Danny except Maddie as he already knew her.

Everyone started walking off Maddie and Chunkz were together at the very front whilst me and Danny hung towards the back so we could chat to one another.

He filled me in on all the juicy tea I missed and some possible rumours he's heard. Apparently Lando is still single ever since dating me and that all that cheating was false information I wanted to believe it but something didn't seem fully true so i couldn't trust it like I used to trust him. 

The race was starting within a few minutes so we all headed back to the redbull garage however on our way back Zach Brown spotted me from McLaren and headed over to me to say 'hi'. He was sort of like a dad to me, he was a better farther figure than I'd ever had anyway and for that I was grateful but we hadn't seen each other for ages or spoken in ages ever since we split.

Zach "omg y/n your here I haven't seen you in ages"

Y/N "yes I know, how have you been"

Zach "mainly alright but it's quite a task babysitting these too drivers"

He always knew how to make me laugh just like Danny did that's why he was such a great farther figure even though his dad jokes may be awful at least it was still something .

Y/N "hahahaha anyways I've got to go gl in the race"

Zach "thx I hope you enjoy watching and feel free to nip into the McLaren garage at any time"

Y/N " will do thx Zach bye" 

He was so polite no matter how nice the McLaren garage may be though I don't think I'll be going i there unless it's completely necessary.

We were really running out of time now sos me and Danny started jogging back to join the others in the garage. Thankfully we had 1 minute to spare. Something inside me told me this will be a race to stay focused on so I blocked any distractions out and really zoned in.

"And it's lights out and away we go"


There's going to be some craziness in the next chapter so stay in tune bye guys love you all.

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