Chapter 5- the next morning

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*the next morning*


I woke up to someone's arms around me, i looked around and remembered oh yh this isn't my room i was sleeping in. Within a few seconds everything came back to me and I realised that it was Niko's arm pulling me in by my waist so i could be closer to his body.

Then i heard someone knocking on the door. It was so loud it woke Niko up, this annoyed me because he was so cute when he was sleeping.

Sharky then started shouting "Oi you schmucks get up we're going out and also Y/N one of your mates are at the door and they're coming with us apparently." Then Sharky and AJ barged through the door one after the other, their faces went from a look of mischief to a look of pure shock.

At first i was wandering why they were so shocked but then I remembered me and and Niko are still snuggled next to each other. I started panicking about how to explain the situation.

Y/N: "It's not what it looks like i swear"

Sharky: "Yh sure you defo didn't just sleep with one of my best friends"

Y/N: "Sharky please I'm telling the truth"

AJ: "Y/N seriously stop lying your just going to make this worse"

Niko: "Sharky, AJ if you don't believe her believe me trust me she's telling the truth"

Sharky: "You know what idc just hurry up and get ready"

Y/N: "Sharks I'm sorry"

AJ: "I think you should jus listen to him and stop now Y/N" 

They both storm out of the room slamming the door behind them. All of a sudden I felt the urge to just cry. Niko saw me burst out in tear and sat up next o me and pulled me into a hug and started top comfort me. "Hey, hey Y/N it's okay I'm sure they'll listen eventually you've just got to stay strong." I wanted to stay in his arms forever they felt like a bubble of comfort and safety and mad me feel as though all the bad things couldn't reach me but i knew i had to get ready and go downstairs after all one of my friends was down their waiting for me.

I knew it was probably Maddie she's bee my best friend since the start of secondary school and i tell her pretty much anything. We share a flat together just outside of London and i told her i was visiting my brother and the beta squad house yesterday but i forgot to mention i was staying over so she must've been worried sick.

I broke away from Niko's caring hug and suggested to him to start getting ready so we can go out i noticed Sharky had dropped of a small suitcase and i noticed a little sticker on it saying for Y/N so it's probably some clothes Maddie has brought over for me i opened it up and saw some well cute outfits. Maddie is literally life saver , i picked out one of the outfits i liked the most and got changed in the bathroom and fixed my makeup with some of the stuff in the suitcase whilst Niko got ready. I then prepared myself for a telling of by Maddie downstairs.


Thought it leave you guys on a little bit of a cliff hanger, I'll try and write another chapter later but for now i hope you like this one 

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now