Chapter 14- arriving in the paddock

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Before I say anything I'm so sorry I din't post this yesterday I had no idea I hadn't clicked publish and I was supposed to post this as an extra for 500 viewers,  but it can be today's chapter instead as I haven't wrote another one yet.

I thought I might start this with a switch of POV's as I seem to be frequently starting with y/n so instead I shall tell this first part of the chapter as Niko. Again this is another short chapter as I'm  very tired but I hope you'll enjoy it.


Niko's POV

It was getting late so that meant it was time for us to show up at the paddock for the grand prix. Me and y/n decided we'd walk in together so that when we arrive we can help deal with the crazy amounts of fans together, this was her idea so I thought it was quite cute how she's got my back unlike my girlfriend she'd ditch me within a few seconds for some money and leave me to suffer in the swarms of fans.

Speaking of my girlfriend we broke up recently as I found out she really wanted me just because of the money so I was annoyed that she lied but in fairness I stopped liking her after a while anyways as she was always super toxic but I haven't told anyone we've broken up yet not even my best mates in the beta squad.

Right now I'm mainly focusing on myself and enjoying my time here but if I found a cute girl and she asks me out I might not say no. Although, I'm not really looking for anything particular and I'd probably need to announce that I'm single before any proper relationship requests are made.

Although I must say y/n has been looking quite attractively recently though I haven't really had a chance to get close to her lately as she's always busy filming or talking with her old friends. However I think  the time I'm getting to spend with her right now is very nice though.

Me and y/n were joking about todays filming the whole time we were passing through security and fans it was honestly such good banter I've kinda missed being this close with her. I'm still trying to work out what happened with her and f1 though as she's still being quite secretive about it, I can tell but I'll give her the space to tell us more as I don't want to start something bad.

We were finally through the gates and she started giving me a tour she seemed so smiley and happy talking about it all, almost like  it is a second home for her which I found adorable. She then saw one if the f1 drivers who she recognised and started jogging so I just followed behind.


I loved how intrigued Niko was and how much attention he paid to me whilst talking  about all the f1 stuff. I honestly just wanted to ask him out on the spot but u was stopped by the constant memory that he has a girlfriend and I didn't want to ruin there relationship or mine and his so I stopped myself every time.

I then saw Max stood outside the garage talking to one of his engineers so I started jogging over to him as that's where I needed to be anyways. I still need to thank him for the hotel as well so this will be the perfect  chance to thank him now whilst he's still in a good mood as he can sometimes get a bit annoyed due to tiredness from driving around constantly in the sane place fir an endless amount of laps.

Y/N "Hey max I just wanted to say thx for the hotel room"

Max "Uhm what hotel room"

Y/N "Yk at the one we're both staying at"

Max "Oh I didn't pay for that Lando did"

Y/N "Wait Lando did"

Max "Oops I wasn't meant tell you that"

Y/N "why did Lando pay"

Max "it was meant to be a sorry gift but he changed his mind and said fir me too act like I did it"

Y/N "wait what really, he's sorry I thought he hated me though"

Max "well you thought wrong, speaking of Lando he's coming here to speak to you after the race so stay behind please"

Y/N "okay will do I'll just have to tell Niko"

Max "who's Niko"

Y/N "a good friend of mine you'd get along I'll have to arrange for you two to go out some time"

Max "okay well anyways I got to go see you around y/n"

Y/N "bye max"

I wander what Lando' actual apology gift will be anyways for now I need to find Niko so we can go into the garage and meet the others.


That's all for tonight i promise I'll write more tomorrow. Bye guyyyyssss.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now