Big thanks

413 2 1

I just wanted to tell you guys how much I appreciate achieving over 100 views on my story it makes me dedicated to write more. My gift to you guys for reading my story is 1 or 2 extra chapters and I have a plan already in my head there will also be a few extra characters entering the story so I think this is a perfect moment to give you a heads up some of these names may also have been included once already but they'll appear more frequently.

-Mason  mount (Mase )

-Jude Bellingham ( Jude)

-Trent Alexander Arnold (Trent)

- Lando Norris( lan)

- Carlos sainz ( Carlos)

-Charles Leclerc( Charles)

- Daniel Ricciardo (Danny)

If there's anymore I'll add them and the ages may be a but if but oh well. 

Also I just realised my autocorrect has been correcting Chunkz to Chunks so I'm so sorry about that but I think I've stopped it doing it again.

Next goal for views is 200-250 so it will be great if that happens and agin once we achieve that goal I'll release extra chapters that day.

Thank you guys so much and please save the study so you can keep reading. Bye 

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now