Chapter 13- Monaco filming

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Just thought I would see this, this chapter is mainly just aimed at the YouTube video I talked about them filming in Monaco so the main story about the paddock with drama will continue onwards from the next chapter however if your wanting a more flowing story I'd recommend reading this 


*y/n's POV*

I had a quick breakfast with Mase as I was running late too the video and I knew they'd kill me if I didn't get there soon as I'm always late for videos and this one is apparently an important one yet. If I'm being honest I have no motivation to film anything right now and I had no idea what we were filming so I'm defo not prepared to just get on with it. Hopefully some one like Maddie, Sharks or Niko will explain it to me as I know they've always got my back.

I was panicking about how I was going to get there as I had not pre booked an Uber and I knew it was going to take ages for one to get here. Thankfully, I saw Max in the lobby, one of the brilliant perks of staying in a hotel full of f1 drivers you already know. After begging him for what seemed like forever he finally caved in and agreed to take me to the place we're filming on one condition, I have to go to dinner with him and some of the other drivers. I knew I was going to hate it as it will most likely be super awkward between me and them but it was the least I could do to pay him back. 

I finally got to the destination thanked Max and waved him off. I jogged towards the others who seemed to be impatiently waiting for me to arrive. Maddie filled me in on what's happening basically some celeb or someone important will be rating our food we're cooking today in some mastechef looking place. It sounds fun she said and apparently they've done something like this before and it gets good views so that sounds alright.

I knew this wouldn't take too long as well as it's basically bake whilst being filmed be rated then head off one thing is I'm absolutely awful at cooking which all my followers already should know so at least I won't get too much hate from this I took the bench between Sharky and Niko as I thought this would be a good place to create entertainment I don't really care who my food turns out I more care about who this special guest is.

"He's here" one of the camera men called out me and Niko exchanged a look of nervousness as to who this celeb judge could be. My mouth dropped when I saw Charles walk into the building. Of course it was him out of any possible celebrity that could be in Monaco right now it was the fake prince himself. I knew I was going to have a proper laugh with him about this when I headed down to the track later but for now I decided I wasn't going to know him whilst we're filming as I don't want the people of YouTube to get the wrong picture as I see them all shipping me and Niko and secretary I love it but i don't think his mystery girlfriend does as I here them arguing on call all the time.

"Hi guys I'm Charles a professional f1 driver for Scuderia Ferrari and today I'll be judging y/n, Maddie and Beta Squad's dishes so let's wish them look as i heard some of them aren't the best cooks"

He then gave me a mischievous wink as he know I can't cook but I don't know what he's winking at as I know from experiences that he can't cook himself so I gave him a sarcastic smile back.

I would be making pasta for Charles as it's a simple dish and I believe it's not too hard to mess up well I guess at least but I don't think these facts are always correct well at least for me they aren't . Niko found some floor and started tossing it a Sharky and his dish to sabotage him however when he was doing this he accidentally hit me so for jokes and tv entertainment I grabbed a handful of it and launched it at his face me and Sharky then both started creasing at the state he was in he was about to then launch some back at me but I begged for mercy and he didn't and forgives me instead we hugged it out this was definitely going to make our comments go wild but oh well.

To be honest my food was looking like poop, ain't know way on earth I would be eating that myself I was just ever so grateful it was Charles judging on not me however I was worried for his life slightly by some of the abominations some of these lot have created no way on earth are they edible In any shape or form but oh well. I swear Niko put way too much spice in his I was watching him and he basically poured the whole pot In although I might've had something to do with that but there is no way Charles is surviving it someone better have some ice cream ready for him because his mouth will be on fire.

Finally our food was being judged and AJ surprised us all and won. It's probably because the little nerdy rat actually put effort in so he could impress Charles lol whereas me and Maddie really did not care about what we were doing. Even though I didn't win I was grateful for this experience as it gives me and Charles something to joke and chat about later but for now I have to clean myself up and get sorted for a chat with lando for that I'm definitely not prepared.


I know it's a short chapter but I'm super tired so don't blame me okay love you'll and thanks for all the views really appreciate you guys reading my story. Okayyyy Byeeeeee

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