Chapter 12- Remember me

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I had arrived at the hotel thankfully Mase had booked the same one so I knew I wasn't alone. All the beta squad were staying together in the same hotel that was just down the road and Maddie and the rest of the boys were in a hotel about 10 minutes from the track.

Me and Mase headed to the reception to check in, even though we would only be staying for a few days me and him had both packed absolutely loads of stuff I'd say about a suitcase of it wasn't going to be needed but oh well.

Our flights had arrived at a similar time which is why we checked in together. We found out our rooms were on different floors and that I had a suite. I was absolutely surprised because I thought Max had just bought a normal room as they were expensive enough but turns out he got me a whole suite, I'm not going to complain though.

Me and Mase decided we'd meet up for breakfast but for now we'll leave each other be for the evening. I think he was planning on going clubbing with some of the boys, I can't blame him as he is on holiday after all but I however wasn't too sure on what I'll be doing this evening.

"Y/N is that you" I heard a French accent say I turned around to see a dressed up Charles.

Y/N: "yes hi Charles it's me, surprise I guess... I'm here for the Monaco Grand Prix"

Charles: "oh no way, we'll it's great to see you back many of us have missed you, speaking of the others we're heading out to a club tonight, fancy joining us"

Y/N: "oh that sounds cool, I'd like to go... uhm do you have my contact still"

Charles: "yh I think I do I'll text you the address, uhm do you need a lift to get there"

Y/N: "uhm yes please if it's okay"

Charles: "yh no worries just text me when your ready and I'll go wait in the car"

Y/N: "Thx Charles see you in a minute"

Charles: "yh see you, oh and also where something nice"

Y/N: "will do"

I headed up to my room, within being here for a few minutes I've already seen one f1 driver and I was about to see a load more. Right I've got to find something nice to wear luckily I packed a whole suitcase dedicated just for events like these.

I found a lovely silk mini black dress which showed off my finger in a very flattering way. I picked out some of my black and gold ysl heels and put on a gold cartier bracelet. I wasn't too sure what to do with my hair and makeup so I did a natural look and wave my hair. I finished off by drowning myself in perfume and grabbed my Prada black leather handbag to complete the look. I had a quick glance in the mirror to check I was perfect then grabbed my phone and texted Charles I was ready.

I saw him stood in the lobby messaging someone on his phone he looked very handsome I must say. "Finally you took ages" he said grabbing my hand guiding me out the back of the hotel towards his super car. "The boys are going to be absolutely surprised to see you" my heart started pounding rapidly, he hasn't told them. What if they don't want me there. What If they don't like me anymore. I was panicking but then within a few minutes we stopped and my heart stopped racing.

We entered the club and that's when I saw them. It was Mase and the guys. It hadn't crossed my mind this whole time this could be the club Mase, Jude and Trent have gone too but here they were at least old have an escape from the f1 drivers if it go too much I thought to myself.

We headed over to the table and immediately locked eye contact with Danny. 

Danny: "Yo y/n is that you"

Y/N: "the one and only"

I pulled him into a tight hug then started saying hi to all the others until I reached Lando. Lando ikind of just stared at no hi no disgusted face just nothing. He did nothing either. 

Alex: "So y/n how come you didn't tell any of us you were coming here"

Lando: "yh y/n care to explain yourself"

Lando was being super sassy and I was not going to have it so instead I just decided to annoy him back.

Y/N: "we'll Alex i would've told you all if Lando didn't make me loose friendships with you all"

Lando: "y/n I'm sorry about that can you just get over it already"

Y/N: "get over it because of you I felt so lonely for ages thankfully I made new friends ones you can't take away"

Max: "uhm this seems to be a rough topic for everyone how about we all get some shots to ease the tension.l

Pierre: "i fancy some shots anyone else"

Estie bestie: "count me in"

Oscar: " and me"

Charles: " how about we all just have one on max ofc since he suggested it"

Max: "wait what"

Everyone laughed whilst max payed for everyone's shots.

We were all sat on the bar when I felt someone tap my shoulder it was Danny.

Danny: "y/n how you doing it must be tricky seeing Lando again after you guys left on tricky terms"

Y/N: "yh it is I don't know how he can move on so easily when our feelings seemed so true"

Danny: "in all honesty he hasn't moved on it's all an act to make him seem tough I think he's scared you've moved on and don't like him because I think he still likes you"

Y/N: " wait really, maybe I'll just have to figure away to speak to him in private but it's probably not going to be here as it's so busy everywhere"

Danny: "yh probably not but please do speak to him if not for your sake for mine as he has not been as good ever since you've left"

Y/N: "yes will do Danny, I'm probably going to head off soon as I've got to meet the others early tomorrow"

Danny: "okay message me when you get back so I know your safe"

Y/N: "of "

The getting home soon wasn't a lie to get me out of talking about Lando as me and beta squad and Maddie had a shoot in the morning for YT. We were going to meet up for brunch ikm pretty sure but first I promised Mase I'd have breakfast with him in the morning. We're all then heading down to the track  later tomorrow so I knew I was going to need some sleep and if I have to many drinks I won't be able to do it so I decided to say bye to everyone and head off. However on my way out I may or may nit have arranged a little evening chat at the hotel with Lando tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.

But for now I'm a grab a cab to the hotel message Danny and the others then sleep.


A shirt one for today however next chapter should be quite big and I'll get to that as soon as possible but for now byeee guys.

Yn x Niko /// loversWhere stories live. Discover now