Chapter 11- #travelling✈️

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*a few weeks later*

Me and  Maddie had surprised the boys about going to Monaco with the others and they seemed super excited. We told them last night at our dinner party for Sharky's Birthday so it was a good surprise and end to the day for everyone.

Me and Danny have been speaking very frequently and he's been catching me up on some of the gossip that I've missed on calls which was fun. He told me that him and some of the others have been blogging and streaming to engage with a larger audience so he told me to check it out some of their videos and stuff and to be fair out if the ones I saw they were quite good nothing like what me, Maddie and the beta squad do though.

My life has been going absolutely amazing over this last week however I've noticed Niko seems a bit off since the football training camp day and even more so after telling them we are going to the Monaco Grand Prix. 

He's stopped being as affectionate as he was and seems to want to spend less time than me because of this we're still not together. Maybe he's just busy at first I thought but I'm starting to think it's just jealousy. 

After all I spent the majority of the England day with people like Jude and Mase instead of being with him the majority of time and the fact I've somehow got f1 tickets and the ones I've got shows I've been in touch with someone. I decided to move past it though and enjoy life for how it is now as whenever life goes up it's got to go back down at some point.

*2 weeks later*

I couldn't believe it, I was actually going to Monaco to see an f1 Grand Prix. I've been to many before but this one felt special maybe it was because of the fact beta squad had allowed us to travel by private jet or the amazing tickets and passes Daniel has got everyone but I couldn't help but squeal with excitement whilst boarding the rather large private jet.

Niko had been distancing himself more and more lately and at one point during this week he revealed to the whole squad that he had in fact been speaking to a girl. I felt somewhat sad but not jealous.

I was surprised that I didn't feel jealous after all that time he spent hugging and comforting me in the early weeks but he had been so dismissive of any communication with me recently that I really did not care what he did with his love life. Maybe I could've approached him and spoke with him about his feelings instead of presuming things but a relationship goes both ways.

Mason, Trent and Jude were going to meet us there unfortunately Rice couldn't go due to a unplanned event by his coach but he couldn't decline the invitation due to the unknown outcomes so he decided not to go to the f1. We said we'll bring him back a gift though as it's not his fault he couldn't come.

Daniel had sent me a suitcase from redbull with merch and everything I could need I also found a letter from max. Me and max were close partially because he was best friends with lando and I was dating him and partially because we just clicked. It included his number and a hotel however he specified it's only a room for me to stay in and he recommends letting th others stay somewhere else as they probably won't find a room due to it being a mainly a hotel full off f1 drivers the rest is crew.

Thankfully everyone was willing to pay for their own hotels and transport to get there however I did not tell anyone mine was already payed for. I presumed it was max who payed for it so I would have to thank him at some point.

The plane ride wasn't too long so I decided I'd find a chair near the window and sleep for the majority of it. Maddie came and sat next to me as she said she couldn't deal with chunkz clinginess but he ended up setting next to Niko who was opposite me anyways .

Before I got to sleep I kept catching Niko just staring at my face and my lips I'm particular. I sort of wondered if I had something on my face so I checked but there was nothing so I couldn't help but wander what he was looking at. He looked at me like a teenage boy with a crush (every time I turned and make quick eye contact he'd look away then look back at me).

Eventually I had enough of his childish games and fell asleep but the window was so uncomfortable. I realised when I woke up that Maddie had ended up swapping with Niko she could be with Chunkz maybe she was the one with attachment issues.

Niko looked so soft and the window was so hard. I decided to rest my head on Niko's shoulder I knew he had a girlfriend from his announcement so I knew he would move my head but it would be nice to rest it on him for just a few seconds.

However he in fact does not more my head and lets me fall asleep on his lap rubbing my leg to keep me calm. That is not what a boyfriend should be doing to another girl i thought to myself but he was so comfy so I wasn't going to make him stop. If he wants to cheat it's up to him.

I drifted off to sleep and woke up to a tired Niko shaking me telling me we've landed i sleepily gathered my things and exited the plane


Okay I'm really tired myself so I'll try and write more tomorrow but I still feel absolutely vile

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