20// Rotweiler and the bitch

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That day, that night, I went back to my apartment.

Richard and my dad tried calling me.

Richard left a message telling me he was sorry for what he did for me.

I didn't forgive, nor did I have a grudge against him. I tried to not think of him, and was successful in doing so usually.

I went inside.

The entire atmosphere was hot. The thermometer said it was eighty-five.

I turned on the light. They blinked then turned off, making the room black again.

"Nina, come here" said a voice from inside the television.

The television turned on, it was static color.

Intently, I looked at it.

I woke up. The sound of television static hurt my head. I could feel myself being carried. The ceiling moved over my eyes, blurry like a pure dream.

It was grey like looking into the sky at night. It seemed to large, like it could suck me up, and carry me upwards forever.

"Shhhh, baby, don't make a noise" I heard a voice say.

A hot hand stroked my face.

Fingers slithering in my mouth. I could taste the salt and the skin. I could taste the fingerprint with my tongue. Every crevice and line could be felt by my tongue.

My body was wet and sweating. I felt comforted by this warmth. The body felt familiar, yet so poisonous.

I looked into his eyes. Soft, yet scarred. They were Richard's eyes.

The light from the television lit up his eyes. He looked beautiful. Like satan arising from hell to take down a soul.

"Hush baby, I'm here. I'll keep you warm" He said.

I tried to speak. Inside I was panicking. Deep, deep down inside, while my outer skeleton begged him for more.

"Stop" I said. I could feel the saliva fall out of my mouth.

I heard it hit the floor.

He had me in the palm of his hand.

He dropped me on the bed. He licked his lips.

He was soft like a bunny, but his aura screamed and howled. I stared at the ceiling.

The ceiling in my eyes was blinding. It looked as if it had a soul, or eyes and mouth staring down at me.

I heard him unzip his pants, then heard his denim jeans and heavy belt fall down to his ankles.

He put his hand on my cheek. It felt soft like velvet. I tried to move from his grasp, but couldn't.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you Nina" I heard him say.

I could feel my inner conscience take over me. I didn't want him. I wanted Zach.

I wanted no one but Zach.

"Stop" Was all I could say as he kissed me.

He undid the buttons on his shirt.

He slipped it off. His skin glowed in the golden moon light.

He ripped the fabric that concealed my breasts. He sucked on each one until they became hard. It felt sore, there would be bruises.

I was naked on the bed. He pulled down his underwear, then slipped down mine.

I was nearly crushed as he slipped himself on over me. It hurt. I tried to claw at his back, but like a spirit, he tore the energy out of my body, and it only fed his desire.

He moaned like a dog, and his breath was wet and moist.

When he orgasmed, I knew that he had taken what he wanted. He stood up over me. His knee in my ribs. I couldn't breath. He drooled onto my face.

He left my bed, and walked away naked with his clothing in his hands. My hands were weak. I felt my body. It was soaking wet. So were the sheets. His sweat was dripped over me. I heard my door open then shut. I stood up. His pubic hair was everywhere.

I thought of Zach. I wished Zach was here. He would bathe me, and wash the poison off of my slender frame. He would have killed Richard.

I wanted to kill Richard. He stole what belonged to my one true love. But it was done now.

My thighs burned. I tried to walk, but couldn't. I heard laughter down the hall.

The television was on. Static. The light burned my naked body. The noise hurt my head.

I dragged my body against the hard wooden floor.

Thank you for reading.

I got tickets to see the band in LA in October. It will be fun xx.

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