12// Flame Emoji

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      I woke up, and I felt sad that I didn't dream anything.

   I rolled over. My hair felt thick and greasy, and the first thing on my mind was to shower.


   I turned on the hot water, and slipped off my underwear.

   I loved hot showers. It felt like there was others there to warm me.


   After I had finished, I dried myself off, and had began to get ready. I looked at the clock.

   '11:42 AM'.

   I wasn't sure what to wear. I wasn't sure what would happen tonight, but I didn't want to look underdressed, nor overdressed.

   Jeans are too casual, but is a dress trying too hard? Fuck it. I could just wear all black. I don't mind looking like Morticia Adams.

   I dug through my closet to find something. Buried under some old lingerie and some t-shirts, was a pale, short dress with blue flowers decorating it.

   I mush have gotten it from some thrift store years ago because I had completely forgotten about it until I was just now holding it in my hands.

   I scrunched my hair, and did my eyeliner messy, and bravely decided to not put lipstick on.

   I didn't know what kind of shoes to wear. Heels would have definately branded me as a 'try-hard'. I eventually came to the conclusion that my Doc's would fit the occasion with some frilly socks.

   Hopefully my vision would look beautiful in reality.


   The doorbell rang, and I went to answer it. I opened it and saw Zach standing there. His pouty, sad face lit up slightly as I answered.

   His eyes scanned me up and down, but I liked it. The air was cooled, and it ruffled my dress.

   "Hi" I said carefully. "Come in if ya' like" I said as I went to my room to get my purse.

   "Nice dress" He said sweetly.

   "Thanks" I called from the bedroom. I was flattered, and it took the weight off my shoulders that I didn't look stupid.

   "Glad I don't look stupid" I said to myself as I locked the door behind me.

   "You couldn't if you tried" He said. "You are the flame emoji" He said as he smiled and let his hands slide across the hedges.

   He made something so stupid sound so poetic.

   Zach was on fire too. I loved it when he wore all black. It felt magnetic and alluring. He wore that leather jacket and those creepers that I liked.

   I tried to push back the lustful feelings for now. They could consume me if I let them.

   He opened the door to his car and went back to looking pouty again. Finally, this was a face that he looked the most handsome and supreme in. I loved it.






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