5| first sneak out

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it was time for dinner, and everyone was called inside the dining room.

their seats were the same they were yesterday, and they sat down, the parents already starting a conversation.

"so, how do you like it here? did your move in went exactly like you wanted?" mrs lee asked.

"oh, it's amazing dear. our room is big and the bed is really comfortable. thank you so much for letting us have this room." mrs han said.

"im glad that you like it, and what about you guys? do you like your rooms soojin and....uhm..?"
minhos mom still didn't know how to call that boy sitting next to her sons fiancé.

"oh, you can call me han, im used to it more then on my name. and yeah, I love my room. I really like the window." Han said.

"I'm glad to hear that Han." mrs lee smiled

"I like my room too, it's really beautiful." soojin said with a smile.

"we first thought that we will put you in Minhos room, since you're engaged, but then we thought that it would be better if we just let you have your own room because of your privacy, and after you two get more comfortable around each other, you can move to the same room." mrs lee said.

"I really like that idea, thank you for putting this in your mind." soojin said, smiling.

"you're such a sweetheart dear, I'm sure that you and Minho will get close really soon." mrs lee smiled at the two fiancés

*get close really soon, my ass.*
Minho thought, almost rolling his eyes, but he controlled himself.

the food arrived and they ate in silence, until mr lee decided to break it.

"so, soojin, do you have any plans for the future? like collage?"

"I thought about it. unlike han, I had really good grades in high school, and I thought about going to a medical college, but I decided not to attend and get married instead. I want to become a stay at home wife." she said with a smile.

"that's amazing." mr lee smiled

"yah, why did you include me?" han said

"it's true tho? I'm smarter then you." she said

han looked at his parents. it was completely unnecessary to say this in front of everyone and Han felt humiliated a little. he wanted them to tell soojin that it wasn't really nice to say that, but his mother just looked at him.

"why are you looking at me like that? it's true." mrs han said

han was close to tearing up.
this wasn't fair.

I mean, soojin is not a bad person, but she was raised the way that she was always better than han, so she took every chance she got to make a point that she was the better sibling.

minho was watching all of this.
it didn't seem fair to him either.

she could have just said she got good grades, she didn't have to involve han at all. and the fact their parents thought it was completely harmless and normal was so unfair.

he looked at jisung.
he noticed that he looked like he was about to cry.

"if you excuse me, I'm full. I will leave to my room now."
Han said and walked inside his room.

Minho didn't let it slide this time.

"I'm also full, I feel like I need a good nap now. thank you for the food." Minho said and walked inside his room.

when he was out of their sight, he ran to his room and stepped on his balcony. he noticed han was climbing the rope he tied to the hook earlier.

"Han! What are you doing?" he whisper-yelled.

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