34| confronattion

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han was confused, but he decided to listen and leave.

"hey, bin, something came up, I have to go home. talk to you later?"

changbin nodded.
"yeah, sure. bye han!"

han said and closed the door, walking to his house.

when he arrived, and he walked into the living room, he was confused when he saw everyone sitting on the couches, soojin standing in front of them, so that everyone could see her.

"oh, han, you're here. how about you sit here with us?" soojin said.

han confused made his way to the couches, sitting next to his mom.
on his way, he made an eye contact with minho, who looked just as confused as him.

"I'm pretty sure that you're all confused why I gathered you here." soojin started when han sat down.

"well, in two weeks, I'll be marrying minho, THE lee minho! isn't it amazing? just like I said, we will be marrying each other in two weeks, so I think this is the best time to tell you something that has been on my mind for a long time already."
soojin smiled.

minho looked at her confused.
was she about to end this engagement at last minute?
I mean, he wouldn't be complaining, but this was soojin, she was excited to marry him.
what was happening?

"first of all, I would like to thank to my parents who gave birth to me and that arranged this marriage. I'm super proud to be your daughter.
I would also like to thank mr. lee and mrs. lee, my in-laws. thank you so much for giving birth to my fiancé and thank you for letting us stay in this house." soojin said with a smile.

all of them were smiling at her, grateful for her compliments.
minho and han were still looking at her confused.
this definitely wasn't the reason she brought them here.

"lastly, my brother. my cutie younger brother, who has an attention problem and is a boyfriend stealer, turned into fiancé stealer! thank you so much, for stealing my fiancé from me." soojin started laughing.

hans and Minhos eyes widened.
they looked at each other in shock.
how did she find out?

the parents looked at her confused and shocked at the same time.
was she saying what they thought she was saying?

"that's right. my brother seduced my fiancé and they are having a secret affair together, right in this house. am I right, my brother?" soojin said, looking at han.

everyone looked at han, who had no idea what to say.

"han...is this true?" mrs. han asked, shocked, but she sounded angry.

"I....I..." han was in so much shock, and his anxiety was getting worse. he had no idea what to say.

"you may wonder how I found out, right? you've been so careful, so how did the evil soojin found out?" soojin said.

everyone looked at her, trying to find the answers.

"to find that out, we have to go all way back to the party at hwangs house."

chapter 25

soojin was looking for minho, when she finally saw him from afar. he was at the buffet.
she happily made his way to him, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw minho glaring at hans friend.

it all seemed...weird?
why did he look like he was possessive of han?

suddenly, minho started dragging han somewhere.
soojin decided to follow them.

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