9| bad decisions

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I want to say that this chapter will contain self harm and it will mention suicide attempt, so if you're triggered, don't read this chapter and move to the next one‼️


minho went inside his room and opened his window.
he wanted to ask han if he was okay.

just then, he heard the door open and close.

"are you enjoying this?!" someone said

minho recognized soojins voice.
what was she doing inside hans room?

"what do you mean?" he recognized hans voice.
he sounded really exhausted.

"this is supposed to be about me! it's my wedding, and every attention should be on me! why were you playing the piano? to flex ( I accidentally wrote felix lmao pls😭 ) ? to draw the attention on yourself, huh?" 

"what are you even talking about? I didn't ask them to listen, I just felt like playing the piano, since I didn't do it in a long time. I had no intentions in stealing the attention. god, I don't even like attention!"

minho heard in his voice that han had enough.

"you're such an attention whore! first you're saying that you don't like attention, and then you swallow a whole bottle of sleeping pills and try to kill yourself! pick a side dude!" soojin said.

minho felt his heart drop.
he must have miss heard, right?
but he didn't.

jisung didn't say anything for a while.

"get the fuck out of my room." he heard that han was on the verge of tears.

"han, I'm sorry-"


he then heard the door slamming, following by hans sobs.

it broke minhos heart, it really did.
he cared about jisung, he was his friend.
how could soojin even pull this stunt.
he couldn't believe that in six months he will be forced to marry her.

he wanted to go inside his room, but he didn't.
because what if han didn't wanted him to know that?
he had no idea that minho heard this conversation.
what if he went to his room, told him that he heard the conversation, and that will only drift them apart, because he knew something that he shouldn't, and would make han uncomfortable if he was in his presence.

so he decided not to go there.
but after a while, he just couldn't listen to the sobs anymore.
he quietly went inside and fell on his bed.

what should he do now?


jisung was sobbing.
how could she do that?

first, she reminds him of his abusive ex, and then she reminds him of his suicide attempt?
was she even human?

he cried uncontrollably, he couldn't stop.
he felt so bad, so humiliated, like he was laughed at for all of his bad decisions.
and he was about to do another one.

he got up and went to his bathroom.
he looked in the mirror, seeing himself.
but he didn't want to believe that it was him.

he felt so disgusted with himself.
and then, his mind started acting on its own.

he opened the second drawer and pulled out a little box, which he took with him just in case.
he opened it and took the blade out.

for a split second, he was just looking at it, but then, he started cutting his waist.

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