37| chasing you

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Minho immediately stood up.

"how can I leave tho? there are guards outside of my door, making sure i don't run away."

hyunjin thought for a second.
"I will somehow distract the guards at your door and you will sneak out. then, go to my car. here are my keys. go get your boyfriend."
hyunjin smiled and fished in his pocket, before finding his keys and putting them in Minhos hands.

minho hugged him.
he was so grateful he had hyunjin.

hyunjin gave him last smile, before stepping outside and distracting the guards, while minho sneaked out out of the room, trying to run to hyunjins car without getting spotted.

suddenly, he saw two guards standing right in his way to hyunjins car.

he sighed and tried to think of another way to get to the car.
he didn't have that much time left, before han will go trough the check out gate and he will never see him again.

he saw a little way, that he could get to the car.
he had to go over this little field, and he would end up on the other side of the car, free to run away.

without thinking, he started making his way there.

"hey! what are you doing there!"
someone yelled.

oh my god, I'm fucked.
minho thought.

he turned around.
it was his cousin.


his cousin chuckled.
"and what are you trying to do?"

minho sighed.
"honestly, I'm not sure myself, but I know I have to follow my heart."

seojung smiled at minho.
"just go, minho. It's the right choice. I will make sure no one sees you, okay?" 

minho smiled and thanked his cousin, before continuing his way, quietly sneaking out.

he somehow got to the car and he slid behind the wheel, slowly making his way out of the venue.

he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he left the location, and he was now speeding to the airport.

he didn't have that much time.

after some moments that sure felt like eternity for Minho, he finally arrived at the airport.

without thinking, he parked the car somewhere it definitely shouldn't be parked at, and he ran inside. 

he started looking around, trying to find the familiar face of the person he was looking for.

when he didn't see anything, he sighed and started running around the airport, looking for the love of his life.

suddenly, his phone rang.

he pulled it out of his pocket and looked who was calling him.

his mom.

minho put his phone on silent.
he had more important things to do than get yelled at by his mother for running away from the wedding.

suddenly, he got an idea.

he took his phone and went to contacts.
he then called his boyfriend.

immediately, minho heard a familiar ringtone, not so far from him.


Minho started running towards the sound, just to see his little adorable boyfriend slowly making his way to the check out gate.

han had his phone in his hand, looking at the screen, before he declined the call and started walking again.

when minho saw he started walking again, he made his way to him, trying not to loose him in this crowd.

"han!" minho yelled.

unfortunately, han didn't hear him, because he was wearing headphones, and Minho was still pretty far.

minho started running faster, almost out of breath, trying not to bump into anyone.

"han!" minho yelled again.

still, han didn't hear him.

suddenly, someone bumped into minho, making him fall.

"oh, I'm so sorry." the woman said, helping Minho get up.

"no, no, no, I'm sorry, it was my fault. have a good day." minho quickly said and bowed, before he looked around.

unfortunately, he couldn't see his boyfriend anywhere.

he lost him.

minho started panicking.

no, no, no, this can't be happening, I have to find him again.

desperate to find his boyfriend, he started running to the direction han was previously making his way to.

he was looking around, trying to spot him.

the ringtone idea came into Minhos mind again.

he pulled out his phone and called han, trying to hear the ringtone.

lucky for him, he did hear the ringtone.
and more importantly, it was really close to him.

he ran to his right, just to see the boy standing in the crowded line to the check out, holding his phone and declining the call.

Minho immediately ran to him.



han turned around and took off his headphones, just to see minho running to him.

he looked at him with wide eyes, as Minho pulled him into his embrace.

"I found you." minho panted, completely out of breath.

han pulled away.
"what are you even doing here? shouldn't you be marrying soojin right now?"

"I should, but I'm not, and I never will."
minho simply said.
"let's go now, okay?"

"I can't minho."

"yes, you can. look at me. I thought I couldn't disobey my parents, and now I'm here, standing next to you, even tho I should be marrying someone my parents want me to marry right now, but I'm not, because I love you, and because I would do everything for you. I realized that my parents don't own me, and they can't control my life anymore. I deserve better than that, YOU deserve better than that. we deserve to be happy, and oh god, jisung, you have no idea how happy I am when I'm with you. I would do anything just to see you smile at me every day and waking up next to you. I would give everything I own, just so I could be publicly acknowledged as your boyfriend, so that we wouldn't have to do this in secret. I want to be the perfect boyfriend for you and I want to make you happy for the rest of your life. fuck your parents, fuck whatever people think of us, because if he have each other, we have everything. I'm not ready to let you go, jisung. please, please don't leave."

han was looking at him with tears in his eyes.
"minho....why? why would you sacrifice everything for me? your relationship with your parents could be permanently damaged because of me."

"no, not because of you. you're always blaming yourself, sweetheart. It's okay to blame someone else for once. I ran out of my wedding, I fell for you first and I will carry the consequences, so leave with me, please?"

jisung bursted into tears, and he jumped on Minho, minho catching him with ease, as he held him close.

"let's leave now, please." han said and buried his head in Minhos neck.

so many people were looking at them, some who listened the whole conversation even cheered, but the two boys didn't care.
they were happy they held each other.

"we should go, like really quickly. I parked my car at illegal spot."

"you did what now?" han pulled away and looked at Minho with wide eyes.

"yeah, let's go." minho said and they started running again, holding each others hands, while han held his suitcase in his other hand.

the future was theirs.

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