19| what are we?

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han woke up, and he smiled to himself, remembering last night.

"they're beautiful....you're beautiful."

han felt kind of confused.
what were they now?

friends with benefits?
still just friends?
were they...dating?
no, definitely not that.

it was confusing.

han sighed and got up, which woke changbin up.

"good morning." changbin said when he saw Han.

"geez you scared me. good morning bin." han smiled at changbin.

changbin smiled, and his eyes traveled to Hans neck.

"oh, did I make you a hickey last night?"

hans eyes widened.

han went to the bathroom, turned the light on and went to the mirror, so that he could checked the hickey.
he ran his fingers over it.
minho, you little stupid piece of-

"uhm...yeah I guess."

"oh, I'm sorry, I didn't exactly plan that."

"It's okay, I will just cover it with a hoodie."

changbin nodded and Han went to his closet, picking the biggest hoodie he had and put it on himself, just before the maid came into his room.

"the breakfast is ready mr. Han. you and your friend can come downstairs."

"sure, we will be there in a second." han said and the maid left.

"wanna cuddle for a few minutes?" changbin asked.

hans eyes lit up and he smiled.
he jumped on the bed and changbin chuckled, pulling han closer.

like three minutes later, they decided to go down and eat.
everyone else was already there, waiting for them.

Minhos eyes lit up when he saw han walking downstairs and he smiled. Han noticed him and smiled back.

"what took you guys so long? we're hungry." soojin said

"changbin is such a big baby and he wanted morning cuddles." han chuckled and changbin playfully hit his arm.

minho felt jealous, but he didn't let that ruin this morning.

not now.
when he was about to ask Han something very important.

the breakfast was going smoothly, minho and Han sometimes took a glance at each other, but that was it.

minho gently kicked hans leg under the table to get his attention and Han looked at him.

minho raised his eyebrow and nudged his head a little, motioning han to follow him.
he then got up and left.

han waited a little, and then he excused himself and got up.

he left the dining room and looked around, trying to find minho.
he suddenly felt an arm wrapped around his waist and he let out a gasp, until he realized who these hands belong to.


"good morning, did you sleep well?"

han chuckled.
"not bad, how about you?"

Minho smiled and turned Han around, kissing his forehead.

he looked at Hans neck that was covered in the hoodie, and he pulled it down a little, revealing the hickey.

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