23| forced date

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"let's go on a date." soojin said.

minho stopped writing on his computer.

"on a what now?"

"on a date. we're getting married and I like dates, but we never been on one, so let's go on a date. and don't try to say no. I looked at your schedule and I saw that you don't have any meetings after the one which ends at 15:45, so we would be home early anyway. let's go on a dinner."

Minho sighed.
It's not like he had a choice.
But he was still kind of mad.

He purposely didn't schedule many things on this day, so he could go home early and take Han on their first date, but that's not happening i guess.

the day went by really fast, a much faster to Minhos liking, and before he knew it, he was in his car, with his fiancé in the passenger seat and they were driving to some restaurant soojin picked.

they arrived and soojin happily went inside with Minho by her side. they sat down and soojin was smiling the entire time. little did she know, that Minho didn't exactly enjoy being here.

he didn't like dinner in restaurant dates, he was the type of guy who liked movie dates, walking around park dates, cooking dates or grocery store dates. he's the type of guy who would rather cook for his partner if they were hungry, instead of eating at a restaurant.

he liked dates where he and his partner could be themselves, without worrying about other peoples reaction.
he couldn't exactly do that in restaurant, since he had to be formal, don't eat weirdly, don't talk loudly or don't laugh loudly.
it was just suffocating for him.

they ordered the food and drinks, and to say there was an awkward silence was an understatement.

soojin wasn't sure how to start a conversation, and Minho didn't feel like talking. he would much rather think about his boyfriend and how he wanted to be with him right now.
( a/n: I feel kind of bad for soojin tbh )

soojin hated the silence, and fortunately, the drinks arrived.

"so, how is it?" soojin asked, happy that she finally found something to talk about.

"yeah, good."

"this place is really awesome. just wait for the food, it's amazing. we should come here more often."

minho just hummed, looking out of the window.
unintentionally he made it really obvious that he didn't want to be there.

soojin felt kind of sad, but she promised herself to make minho fall for her, and she needed to start somewhere.

"so....how do you see yourself in ten years?"

"married with three cats." minho simply said.

married to me
soojin thought.

married to han
minho thought.


"so, who will be your best man at our wedding?"
soojin asked


"hes the one who was at the sleepover, right?"

minho hummed in response.

"good choice."


"I'm not so sure about my bridesmaids, but I know that hari and youngseo will be-" soojin was saying, but she was cut off by Minho.

"we still have a lot of time, so you can think about it. let's not talk about our wedding."

"why not? I think it's the perfect opportunity."

"I don't."

soojin sighed and minho took his phone, looking at the time.

maybe I will still be able to take han for a date. 

the food arrived, and the two started eating.

minho had to say, the food was actually really good.

"it's good, right?" soojin said, smiling.

minho nodded and continued eating his food.

soojin was happy that her fiancé was enjoying the food of the restaurant she picked. she had mixed feelings about this. I mean, it was pretty obvious that Minho didn't want to be here, and he even refused to talk about their wedding, which was weird, since this was the perfect opportunity. yeah, it was five months away, but still. minho enjoyed the food, so that was a win. maybe he will take her on another date this week.

just maybe.

minho didn't have any interest in that, but she didn't know that.

they ate the food and Minho paid.
they left after that.

the car ride was silent, but soojin didn't mind it today, since they had a date few minutes ago.

they arrived home and Minho went to his room, while soojin went to hers and immediately called her best friends to talk about their date.

"girlies, I have an amazing news I have to tell you."

"oh, okay, spill."

"spill the tea."

"well, me and Minho were on a date today!"


"how did that happen?"

"easy, I just told him to go on date, since we will be marrying each other, and he agreed. I took him to our favorite restaurant and he enjoyed the food."

"that's amazing girl, I'm proud of you, that's a big step."


"I don't know. I mean, he enjoyed the food, but he just didn't look like he enjoyed being there. Was I the problem? didn't he enjoy it because I was there?"

"no girl, that definitely isn't it, maybe he just doesn't like restaurants?"

"thats definitely not the reason."

"I'm not sure, he didn't even want to talk about our wedding. what if he hates me?"

"you're overreacting girl. men are also really nervous when it comes to weddings, and he's marrying you girl, han soojin, the most beautiful woman on this planet. of course he will be nervous."

"It just felt like he didn't want to talk about it because he found it uncomfortable or something."

"don't turn it into something it isn't. youre not some witch, you can't read his thoughts, so don't jump into conclusions, okay?"

"yeah, you're right."

"I'm still proud of you, it's a big step, I'm sure that he's going to fall for you by the time of your wedding."

soojin sighed.
"I really hope so."

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