28| almost caught

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han woke up and made his way to the late breakfast.

it was Saturday.

he went downstairs and saw that everyone was already eating.

"oh, good morning." han said and sat at his usual seat.

"good morning, how did you sleep?" mrs. han asked

"yeah, pretty good." han said and started eating his breakfast.

minho was sometimes taking a quick glances at the boy, but no one really noticed.

everyone ate their breakfast in a silence, which made the atmosphere sort of calmer.

"well, I'm full. if I can, can I go to the piano room? I kind of want to play." han said

"yeah, of course. last time you played was really enjoyable. you can go."

soojin rolled her eyes little, which didn't go unnoticed by minho.
he wanted to punch her.

han smiled and got up, going to the piano room.

minho waited for a few minutes, so that it wouldn't look suspicious.
"I feel full, thank you for the breakfast. I will take my leave." minho bowed and went out.

when he was out of sight, he quickly slipped into the piano room.

han was playing something minho never heard about. minho admired him for a second, before he slowly got closer and tickled han.

han jumped a little, but when he recognized the hands, he immediately sank into minhos embrace.
Minho back-hugged him, wrapping his arms around the tiny boy.

"good morning love." minho said, giving him a kiss on the head.

"good morning."

"slept well?"

"mhm, what about you?" han asked

"I didn't have a good sleep."


"because you weren't there with me when I woke up."

han chuckled at his boyfriends cheesiness.
"cmon min, you can sleep on your own. and I for real slept in the same bed as you like two times."

"yes, but I got too used to it."
minho whined.

han playfully rolled his eyes and turned around on the stool, so that he could face minho.

their eyes met, and there was only one thing in minhos mind.

I want to kiss him.

minho pulled han closer to him and connected their lips in a gentle kiss.

do you know how people say that life always doesn't go as planned?

well, minho wanted to share a sweet kiss with his boyfriend, but he started making out with him instead.

it didn't take minho a long time to pick him up, his arms on hans thighs, and seating him on the piano.

"we can't do that here!" han whisper-yelled.

Minho chuckled.
"why not?"

"what if someone came in here out of nowhere? we can't risk that minho."

"okay, then tell me at least one person who comes here at this time, when they know that you're here."

"well, no one, but-"

minho shut him up with a kiss.
"how about you shut that pretty little mouth of yours now and kiss me?"

han smirked, before he pulled Minho closer, connecting their lips in another deep kiss, which turned into make out almost immediately.

minho had his hands on hans waist, while hans arms were wrapped around minhos neck, his legs around minhos waist, pulling him impossibly close, like minho would disappear if he let go.

honestly, it just turned minho on more.
he wanted to fuck han right there, on the piano.

but he held himself back.

minho pulled away, because if he kissed han another second, he would just give in into his imagination.

for a while minho admired the young boy who was in front of him, looking into his eyes, which were filled with love and lust.

whenever he looked into hans eyes, he felt like he could get lost in them, even tho he saw them so many times.

han put his hands on minhos cheeks and pulled his face closer, kissing his cheek quickly.

minhos stomach was filled with butterflies.
han never done this before.

minho was always affectionate to the younger one, because he knew that han needed it, and he really enjoyed it. but this time, han was the one who gave him a sweet not on the lips kiss.

minho couldn't be more happier.
for him it meant that han was comfortable with him, not scared that he will hurt him like his ex boyfriend did.

and that meant the world to minho.
he had the biggest smile on his face as he pulled his boyfriend for a gentle kiss, enjoying this small, yet very important moment in their relationship together.

it wasn't just minho who was smiling from ear to ear, han was also looking at him with happiness filled eyes, his smile very similar to minhos.

their foreheads were resting on each other, while minho caressed hans back.
they stayed that way for another few minutes, before han realized something.

"wait, I'm still sitting on a piano."

minho got out of his little trance and looked, noticing that han was right.
he then smirked.
"wanna finish what we started?"

"minhooo~" han whined

"sweetheaaaaart~" minho said, whining the same way han did.

han looked at him with pouty lips, before turning his head a little, sulking.
"no kisses for you."

"ahhh, cmon sweetheart~"
Minho said and pulled han closer, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

suddenly, all of hans anger was gone.

"hmmm, okay. you deserve a little kiss."
han said, smiling.

minho chuckled.
the boy was just too adorable.


they both chuckled, before connecting their lips together again, the innocence disappearing completely.

they started moving their lips in sync, minhos tongue entering the youngers mouth.

suddenly, the door opened.
a middle-aged maid came inside, her eyes widening at the sight.

the two boys looked at the door, their eyes also widening when they saw someone standing at the door.

"I-it's not how it looks like..." Han said, trying to fix the situation.

the maid just stood there, processing the whole thing she saw.

"please don't tell anyone." minho said, in a desperate tone.

the maid smiled at the two boys.
she was really close with Minho, he was like her son, and minho saw her as his second mother. 

"I won't, your secret is safe with me."
the maid smiled and "locked" her mouth, before leaving the room.

"well, that was a close one." Minho said

"what if she tells someone?" han was panicking.

"don't worry, she won't."
Minho looked so convinced that han couldn't help but calm down.

"well, you wanna take this to my bedroom?"
minho smirked.

I fr had this in my concepts for like three days, but I was too lazy to finish it😭
sorry my dear people, I fr promised to update daily, but I just didn't find any motivation 😭
love you guys tho, so I beat myself to finish it😍

don't worry, I'll get better😘

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