6| first real talk

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han woke up, sighing in relief when he realized he wasn't hurting anywhere.
he was used to it, he and changbin were friends with benefits for more then two years now, so he wasn't sore the day after anymore.

he got up, changing into some chill clothes and went downstairs. he really wanted coffee.

he tried to find the kitchen with no luck, until he bumped into one of the maids.

"mr. Han, what do you need?" she asked him.

"oh, can you show me where the kitchen is? I really want to make myself some coffee."

"sit down here, I will bring it to you in a second sir."
she bowed and left to the kitchen.

after a minute, she came back with a coffee in her hands.

"here sir."

"thank you so much. can I take it to my room?" Han asked.

"of course sir."

Han smiled and went to his room.
he opened the window and sat on the windowsill, enjoying the morning breeze blowing in his face.

he started humming a song to himself.
he felt at peace.

"you really like music, don't you?" someone suddenly said and Han almost dropped his coffee.

he quickly realized that it was his sisters fiancé.
even when he didn't see him, he knew he was on his balcony.

"I do, yeah."

"you're really talented, have you ever thought about starting to devote yourself to music more than just playing in cafes?" Minho asked.

Hans eyes widened.
"h-how do you know that?"

"I saw you play three days ago. it was the day when I was told that I would marry your sister. I was really mad, so I sneaked out and went to a cafe. I was listening you the whole time you were there"

"boy just say that you're obsessed with me."
Han said jokingly

"I just literally told you I sneaked out."

"chill dude, I'm just joking." Han chuckled.

Minho playfully rolled his eyes.

"so, how do you feel about my sister? exited to marry her?" Han asked

"to be honest, I'm not happy at all. I don't like her."

Han chuckled.
"well that's a first."


"everyone adores my sister, you're the first one who isn't interested in her."


"of course. I mean, shes perfect."

"I don't see it."

"woah, you're gay or something?"

"what if I was?"

"I would say *welcome to the club!*"

Minho chuckled.

"no, seriously tho. are you gay?" Han asked

Minho sighed.
"I don't know to be honest. I never fell in love, so I'm not sure myself."

Han was confused.
"how did you manage to never fall in love? How old are you?"

"23" ( jisung is 19 and Minho is 23 in this story, bare with me, we love age gaps🙏🏻 )

"woah, how did you do it?"

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