24| it's okay

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a week went by.

minho still wasn't able to take Han on their first date as he wanted, because he had too much work.

he sighed when he remembered that he had to attend a big event hosted by the hwang family.

they were partners for a really long time, so of course he had to attend.
han family was also invited.
he could at least spend some time with han.

he closed his laptop and went out of his office.
soojin followed him.

"are we leaving early today?" she asked happily.
she thought that minho is taking her on another date.

"did you forget about the event hosted by the hwangs?" Minho asked

"oh, yeah you're right. that's today?"

"yeah, let's go."

soojin nodded, a little disappointed, they went to the garages, and went home.

they went to their own rooms and got ready.

exactly at 17:45, almost everyone met in the living room.
of course han was the only one missing.

"aish, this kid. he's like that all the time."
mrs. han said, annoyed with her son.

"it's okay, maybe he needs to get pretty so that he can seduce some pretty guy." mrs. lee chuckled at her own comment.

nah, not happening.
the only pretty guy he can seduce is me.
minho thought.

just then, han rushed down the stairs, and minho couldn't help but stare at him.

he was dressed in his style, still looking acceptable for the party. he smirked to himself.

oh, how much would I like to strip all those sexy clothes off him, kissing every inch

( what han was wearing )

( what han was wearing )

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"you look amazing han." mrs. lee said, smiling at the young boy.

"thank you." han bowed a little and smiled back.

they all got to their own cars. minho was ( of course ) forced to go with soojin, then there were lees car and hans car ( which means 3 cars in total, it sounds confusing I know😭 )

minho didn't talk with soojin at all, he was just thinking about his very sexy boyfriend and his very sexy collarbones, and how much he would like to fu-

"minho?" soojin said, stopping minho from his thoughts.

"uhm, yeah?"

"I asked you a question."

"you did?"


"can you repeat it, please? I was thinking about something." minho said innocently.

soojin sighed, but smiled again.
"cats or dogs?"

"cats." minho said without hesitation.

"oh, I'm more of a dog person, I thought we could get a dog together when we get married."
soojin said

another reason not to marry her.
minho thought.

the car ride was silent after that.
it wasn't better in the other cars.

hans didn't speak at all, and lees just enjoyed each others company, smiling.

they soon arrived at the hwangs mansion, where a lot of people were already.

when han saw the crowd of people, his eyes widened.
this wasn't good.
too many people.

hans breathing quickened, and his father noticed.

"man up and pull yourself together, you don't want to embarrass us, right?"

han was one the wedge of tears.
why didn't his own parents care about him?
or at least, why they didn't care as much as they cared for soojin?

minho heard and saw all of this, and was so furious.

they started walking inside, when minho pulled han away to the bathrooms.
he knew hwangs mansion really well, considering he's best friend with hyunjin for a long time.

minho pulled han inside and locked the door.

"what are you doing?" han asked confused.

minho stared caressing his boyfriend's cheeks.

"it's okay to be anxious, okay? you don't need to man up. people have different fears. if this helps you, try to stay close to me, and when you get too much anxious, just tap on my shoulder and I will take you away for a while so you can calm down, okay?"
minho gently and sweetly said.

han broke down.
he started sobbing really hard.
no one ever cared about him like this.
it felt...good...and sad at the same time.
why was he receiving this treatment from his boyfriend, but not from his own parents?

minho quickly hugged han as he was sobbing on Minhos shoulder.

"shhh, it's okay. I'm here, you're not alone, okay?"
minho said, which just made han sob harder.

"t-thank you~" he managed to say trough his sobbing.

minho sadly smiled and pulled away, kissing Hans forehead. the boy calmed down after a while, and minho wiped the tears from hans face.

han went to the sink and rinsed his face, so that it didn't look like he was sobbing just now.
it actually helped, and if you didn't look at hans face for too long, you wouldn't even know he was crying.

"okay, let's go." han said and minho nodded.

they went to the hall and minho held hans hand to calm him down, but also so that he wouldn't loose him, since they had to find their families now.

after a while, he saw all of them standing in the corner of the room.

"there you are!" Mr. Lee said when he saw the two boys coming to them.

minho wasn't holding hans hand anymore.

"where have you been?" mrs. han asked.

"han needed to go to the restroom, and since I know this mansion pretty well, I took him there and waited for him, so that he wouldn't get lost."
minho said, partly saying the truth.

"oh, okay. look, I see mr. hwang there, let's go and say hi." mrs. lee said and all of them went to mr. hwang.

minho was holding hans hand the entire time, no one thankfully noticed, because you couldn't see it trough the crowd.

after they talked with Mr. hwang, they all just somehow parted ways. soojin sticked to minho, while minho sticked to han, making sure he was okay, which made them a little trio.

"I'm going to go to the buffet. I saw a cheesecake there." han said and went through the crowd to get his fucking cheesecake.

minho chuckled and soojin looked at him with admiration in her eyes.

why can't you love me back?

just then, hyunjin came up to minho and they started talking.
soojin saw one of her friends, and decided to join her, since she wanted minho to have some private time with his best friend.

hyunjins eyes unintentionally moved to the buffet, and his eyes widened.
he leaned over to Minhos ear.

"some random hot guy is with your boyfriend, dude. they're eating cheesecake together."

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