12| normal day

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the next morning, Felix and jisung sat at the table. they were sitting at the dining table alone, because everyone was leaving later, or has already left.

they ate and talk together.
they have been friends since the fifth grade, when jisung transferred schools.
han was really introverted and didn't like the new place. Felix came to him and started talking to him. He respected hans introverted side, and was careful and gentle. he took things slow, and made han comfortable around him. they become best friends really quickly, and went to the same high school.

felix was probably the only person with who Han was really comfortable and could talk to anything about. that was the reason he was able to eat and not think about his ex.

they finished their breakfast and then, they went to school.
something good about this situation was the fact, that lees house was closer to his school then his house was.

tuesday was probably even worse then monday for Han. he was already exhausted from Monday, and he was still far away from weekend.
and his classes were shitty.

he didn't pay that much attention, he just wanted this day to end. he had English now, and Felix had history now, so han couldn't keep himself busy annoying Felix.

eventually, the class ended and he went to his next one. he didn't really like this class either.

shortly, han HATED tuesdays.


minho woke up and turned off his alarm.
he went downstairs and the rest of the people he lived here with were already there.

"good morning." soojin said when she saw minho coming to the dining room.

"oh, good morning." minho said and sat down at the table.

"how did you sleep?" mrs lee asked

"yeah, good."

rest of the breakfast was silent.

after minho got ready, he and soojin went to the company.

soojin really kept her promise.
she really tried making minhos heart flutter.
she really tried making him fall in love with her.
but with no luck, yet.

minho wasn't interested in anything she did.
and she really tried a lot.

she acted cute, hot, she tried the cliche kdrama things, but nothing worked.
she even tried pick up lines.
she was that desperate.


it was lunch time, and han met with his friends at the dinner table.

"hey guys."

"hi han, how is it going?" jeongin asked

"terrible, I hate tuesdays."

"I have been your friend since the start of high school, and I still don't understand why."
seungmin said

"it's because-"

"we know han, trust me, we know. it's just that we don't understand it."

han rolled his eyes.

"we should go to a club someday." felix said

"I agree." seungmin said

"wait, is jeongin 18 yet?" han suddenly asked.

"dude I turned 18 seven months ago."

"whatever, when should we go?"

"uhm, this weekend? I don't think going on working days is a good idea." felix said

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