22| talk

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"I met my ex today."

that sentence ran trough Minhos head and made him shiver.

Han told him how big of a red flag he was and how he treated him, and even tho he didn't know him directly, he hated him already.
how could someone do such things to this little cute innocent boy?

"what happened?" Minho asked.

han sighed.
"I was at school today, right? and after that, I decided to go to a park with my friends, since I knew you would be home later and I wanted to spend some time with my friends.
I was carrying my notebook where I write my songs in, when someone texted me. I took my phone out and started responding. I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into someone. I dropped my notebook and before I could pick it up, the one I bumped into was doing it for me. I wanted to thank him and apologize, when he raised his head and I saw his face. face that still haunts me. god if you only could see the smirk he gave me when he got up and gave me my notebook back. he knew how big of a fear he brings in me. he leaned to my ear and he whispered something like: "hello sweetheart, long time no see, right? it wasn't so nice of you to leave me like this."
ugh I got goosebumps. he then started saying something about getting me back, but I couldn't concentrate on that. I was in a huge shock. he then left and I just returned home. I went to my room and broke down, I couldn't stop crying. then I went to the bathroom and played a little fruit ninja on my waist. I spend the day laying in my bed, until you came home and texted me to come over. you know the rest."
han said.

Minho pulled Han closer.
It must have been really scary for that poor boy.
this dude for real gave him trauma and was treating him like a piece of garbage, which Han didn't deserve. he deserved so much better then that.
he was just a kid when it all happened.

"are you okay?"

"I mean, I am? He didn't directly touch me or anything, but just seeing him made me anxious. not mentioning the things he said to me."

"han, please be careful, okay? if you see him somewhere, immediately leave. don't be alone much, try to be with your friends as much as possible, okay?"

"I feel like you're making a huge deal out of this. I mean, I just met him, he didn't do anything."

"but he said something, right?"

"yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. do you really think that he will stalk me and kidnap me or something? please, don't be ridiculous. we're not in some kind of fan fiction where the crazy ex kidnapped me and you have to save me. you've been reading too much Wattpad fan fictions recently, haven't you?"

"no. I'm just worried about you."

"don't be, it'll be okay. I met him after two years. Im surprised I didn't met him earlier. we live in the same city after all."

Minho sighed.
"okay, but still, be careful, okay?"

han nodded and smiled at Minho.

"I think I should leave now, it's been kind of a long time since I came here. they could get suspicious."
han said

"yeah, okay. but if you want, we can still talk trough the window, or just text."

"no, that's okay. I'm actually really tired, I will go sleep."

"alright, good night sweetheart." Minho said and gave Han a gentle kiss.

han smiled and took his chemistry books before leaving to his room.


the next morning, everyone gathered at breakfast.
it wasn't planned, it just happened by chance.

"so, how did you guys study yesterday? did minho teach you the chemical formulas?"
mrs. lee asked.

"oh, yeah. minho is a great teacher."
Han smiled innocently.

"alright, I'm happy to hear that."
mrs. lee said and the table went quiet.
Minho just sometimes caressed Hans leg with his foot and Han tried so hard not to laugh.

minho was really weird, but Han liked that about him.

eventually everyone parted ways, and han was on his way to school.

he had headphones and just listened to some music, enjoying the walk.

to be honest, it felt peaceful.
and he liked it.

when he arrived in front of his school, he saw his three friends already waiting for him.

"g'day mate, why are you so late?" Felix asked.

"I just enjoyed the walk bro, and I was lazy."

"we should probably go, or we will be late."
seungmin said.

"we have chemistry together now, right?"
Felix said.

"guys I hate you so much, why are you older then me? we don't have any classes together."
jeongin whined.

"why did you find a older friends then dude?"
seungmin asked.

"I don't know, you just needed a leader."
jeongin said

"dude what?"

"ANYWAY,  did you guys study for the test?"
felix asked as they made their way to their classes.

"nope, I'm just gonna trust my luck."

"that's why you're failing seungmin." Felix said


"did you study?" Felix asked Han.

"as a matter of fact, I did."

"woah, who are you and what did you do with our han?"

"felix, mate..." Han said, tired of this bullshit.

"okay, let's go then."

the class started and when Han was given the test, he started writing.

after a while, he looked around himself to see how his friends were doing.

his eyes landed on Felix first, who looked like he was master at this shit.

then he looked at seungmin, and quickly knew that seungmins luck has run out when he saw his face.
he was just looking at the paper like a confused little puppy.

Han wrote the rest of the test, kind of surprised that he got all the answers.

after the class ended, the three boys met each other in front of the classroom.

"dude, my luck was definitely not on my side today. I probably failed this exam."
seungmin said

"I've noticed." Han chuckled when he remembered the face seungmin made when he saw the test.

"it was actually pretty easy." Felix said and seungmin rolled his eyes.

"I mean, even I got the answers written down."

"dude, you must had a good teacher." Felix said

"the best." han smirked.

this part sucks, I'm disappointed in myself 😃

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