13| let's hang out

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han woke up and got ready.
he went downstairs, but he was surprised when he saw minho and soojin at the dinner table too.

"uhm, good morning?" han said, kind of confused.

why were they up earlier than usual?

"oh, han, good morning." soojin said

"good morning." minho smiled a little and han smiled back.

"why are you up so early?" han asked, looking at his food

"minho has some meeting early in the morning, and since I'm going to work with him, I had to get up early too."

"oh, okay." han said and started eating his food.

the breakfast was kind of awkward, and Han was glad when he left the table and went upstairs to take his things.
he took his backpack and went out, going to his school.


minho changed his clothes and sighed.
he didn't want soojin following him 24/7 at work.
but what choice did he have?

he went to his garage, soojin already leaning towards minhos car.

"are we going?" soojin asked

minho just nodded.

they drove to the company and went on the meeting.
soojin wasn't allowed to go inside, since it was the meeting between the heads of the different departments.

the meeting went smoothly and after hour and a half, the meeting was done.

he walked out, and soojin locked hands with him.

"how the meeting went?" soojin asked with a smile.

minho parted his hands with soojin.

"yeah, smoothly."

"why can't I hold your hand?"

"I'm not a fan of physical touch."

soojin looked down sadly, but she understood.
they walked inside minhos office.

"minho, can I say something?"

minho just hummed in response.

"I want to talk about my feelings."


"just hear me out, okay minho?"

minho nodded.

"I'm not gonna lie, I was and I still am excited to marry you, and I understand that you probably don't want that, but I feel miserable. you're so cold to me, and you're making so obvious that you don't want to marry me, and you're pushing me away. I feel unwanted Minho. I understand that you don't want to marry me, but do you have to be so cold and distant to me?"

"to be honest, I don't really know myself, I just know that I don't like you, and that I probably never will, and just the thought of marrying you is making me somehow....I don't know, uncomfortable? I'm sorry if I make you feel unwanted and miserable, and I would like to change that, I'm not an asshole, I have feelings too. But I can't promise you that I will be all touchy and in love with you, because I'm not, and I can't pretend that I am, but I can try and at least see you as a friend for now and understand your feelings better, deal?"

soojin smiled.
that was probably the most beautiful thing he ever told her.


they shook hands and exchanged a little smile.


minho and soojin arrived home after a long day at the office.
it was something past five pm, and they both went into their rooms.

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