14| upgrading the rope

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they got up and started walking towards the house.

they walked around the music shop again, and Han looked at the guitar he liked.
it was so beautiful, that he just wanted to steal it.

"woah, I think I just witnessed a love at a first sight." Minho chuckled.


"just admit that you like the guitar."

"stop talking about it, or I will break into this shop at night and steal it." Han said

"I can just buy it for you if you want."

"no, that's okay, let's just walk back."

they walked in silence for a while, until Han broke it.

"I've been thinking we should upgrade the rope."

"what do you mean?" Minho asked confused.

"the last time you went out with me, you've almost got caught being in my room by my sister, and that's not good. Like, imagine if she barged into my room and she saw you just casually standing there."

"that wouldn't be good."

"exactly. so I thought about it. what if we took another piece of rope and tied it to the pole your balcony has and then tied it to my rope? if you ever wanted to sneak out with me again, you could go from your balcony."

"okay, but that actually isn't a bad idea."

"right? like, Harvard is calling."

Minho smiled.

"should we get the rope now?"

"I think we can, we still have half an hour until dinner, and if we'll be quick, we will return just in time."

"alright then, who will be at the store first?"
Minho said and started running.

Han just looked at him in disbelief.
he started walking to the store while Minho ran there.

After a while, Minho stopped and noticed that Han was ridiculously far away from him.

"where are you tf?" Minho asked with a chuckle when Han finally reached him.

"have I ever told you that I'm not the sporty type of person? no? well, I'm not the sporty type of person."

"Han, we have to be quick if we want to make it before dinner."

"motherfucker I will rather be late then run to the shop. I will never run."

Minho playfully rolled his eyes.
"okay, let's go."

they went to the shop and practically ran to find a rope.
they found it, paid for it and went outside.

"I thought you said that you will never run? you literally sprinted trough that damn shop."

"That was the first and the last time you ever saw me doing that."

Minho chuckled.

they arrived home and Minho returned to his room just in time, before the maids called them for dinner.

they couldn't help but smile when they look at each other.

after han told him his story, he felt closer to him, even more then he did before. he felt sorry for that boy. he was so young, and he went trough so much.

the dinner was quiet.
everyone parted ways after that.

Han went into his room, when notification popped on his phone.

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