31| bad day

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time went by quickly, too quickly if you ask Minho.

it's been five months already, his wedding was getting closer and closer.

it was now January, the snow was falling behind the window, and han was watching it, laying in his bed, Minho by his side.

"minho?" han suddenly said.


"what's going to happen to us?"

"what do you mean?"

"you know exactly what I mean minho. you're marrying my sister in a two months. what's going to happen? will we...break up and pretend that this never happened?"

"don't say nonsenses. I would never be able to let you go just like that. we will think about something."

han sighed.
"but minho....you can't change the fact that in two months you're marrying my sister, and I don't want to be a third wheel. I can't stay with you if you marry soojin, I don't want to spend my life secretly dating a married man. think about this for a second."

minho sighed and sat up, so that he would face han.
"sweetheart, I know that. Believe me, all I can think about is what will happen, and how I can make sure we can stay together, but at the same time, we have no idea how will this situation turn out. I want to enjoy every second with you I can, in case it would go bad for us. please, let's just do this."

han sighed and closed his eyes.
"why does this have to be so complicated?"

minho sadly smiled at him.
"I don't know. but han, I care about you more than you would ever know. I like you so much. I want to kiss your stupid adorable face all over again, never getting tired of it. so when I tell you that I will always chose you, I mean it."

han smiled at minho and pulled him in for a kiss.
"I like you so much, minho."

minho wrapped his arms around han, laying down, putting han on top of himself.
he then kissed his nose.

they unintentionally fell asleep like this


in the morning, Minhos alarm went off, which woke both of them up.

han whined, lifting his head from Minhos chest.

minho took his phone from the nightstand and turned off the alarm.
"I have to go to work, im sorry I woke you up sweetie."

"it's okay." han said with his eyes closed, getting off of minho.

minho got up and gave han a quick peck on the lips before slowly opening the door, making sure no one was outside.
he then quickly went to his room and got dressed.
he then made his way to get some breakfast, and after that, he left to work.

like a hour later, hans alarm went off.
he tiredly turned his alarm and got ready.
after eating his breakfast, he went to his room for his bag and made his way to school.

school was....boring, to say at least.
but who's surprised, right?

han somehow pushed trough his lessons without falling asleep, and he happily made his way home.

he didn't play in the coffee shop for a long time, so he decided to go there, since he actually felt like playing today.

he threw his bag on his bed and took his guitar.
he put the case with guitar on his back and climbed down the rope, making his way to the coffee shop.

ten minutes later, he arrived at the coffee shop.
"hi Chan!" han said when he saw Chan cleaning the tables.

"oh, han! good to see you buddy. are you here to play?"

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