8| friends

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han started panicking.

"wait! i'm changing!" han yelled.

"closet, now!" he whispered to minho and he quickly got inside the closet.

when han saw that minho hid, he opened the door and his sister walked in.

she laid on hans bed and growled.

"han you're so lucky that you're not the one who's getting married."

"what are you talking about? I thought that you were so excited to marry minho?" han asked. he wanted his sister to leave as soon as possible, so that Minho could leave his closet.

"I was, but everything I do seems to annoy him. I came here for an advice."

"from me?"

"yeah. I'm not used to being rejected, I was always the one who was rejecting, but I thought that you would know what to do, since you're the one who's always getting rejected."

ouch, that hurt hans feelings.

"woah, thank you for lowering my self esteem even more then it already was." han said sarcastically

"oh please, just help me. what should I do for him to stop being so cold to me."

"how about just asking him?"


"you want to know how to break his walls? just ask him. ask him what you can do so that he will open up to you more. damn you're so stupid."

"says the one who fell in love with an abusive dude and thought he could change him and let that asshole hurt him."

ouch, that hurt Hans feelings even more.

"get out of my room."

"why do you take it so seriously-"

"LEAVE!" han had enough.

she rolled her eyes and got up, leaving his room.

when Minho heard the door open and close, he opened the closet door.

he heard everything of course.
he didn't like soojin from the start, but now he despised her.
how could she say those things to her own brother?

he looked at jisung, he looked really hurt.

"hey, are you-"

"it's clear, you can leave now."
han said without looking at minho.

minho stepped out of the closet and was about to leave, but then he turned around and hugged han.

he wasn't exactly the type of person who liked physical touch, but he felt like han needed it, and was sure that no one else would give it to han.

he noticed that han didn't know how to react. almost as if he was confused, like he didn't know what to do.
after a while, he carefully and unsurely hugged minho back.

*why is he so unsure? wasn't he hugged enough?"
minho asked himself.

after a while, he noticed that han relaxed a little.
han pulled away and gave minho a small smile.

"thank you, I guess I needed it."

minho just smiled at him.
"friends?" he asked and held out his pinky finger to han.

han chuckled at the action.
"friends." he said and connected his pinky finger with minhos.

"alright then, I will leave now. Again, thank you for today, I enjoyed it."

han nodded.
"yeah, me too."

minho gave him a last smile before he opened the door, making sure that the halls are clean and quickly and quietly walked into his room.
he was really lucky that his room was exactly next to hans.

he sat on his chair and started thinking about what he heard a few minutes ago.

"says the one who fell in love with an abusive dude and thought he could change him and let that asshole hurt him."

he then recalled their first conversation trough their windows.

"have you ever fallen in love?"

Han sighed.
"of course I did."

"It didn't work out?"

"Nope, he wasn't the end of my red thread."

minho wondered if he was talking about the same person.

he tried to forget about it.
in the end, it wasn't his business.
but why he wanted to know more?


and hour passed and it was time for lunch.

the maids called everyone to the dining room, and as usual, han was the last one to show up.

"han, be polite and be on time! we then have to wait for you!" mr han said.

"im sorry, it won't happen again." han said and sat down.

minho noticed that he looked kind of sad

was it because what soojin has said earlier?

their food arrived, but after what soojin said, all those memories came back.

"hey, han, you're getting chubby again, you should limit the junk food you've been eating."

"I don't like your cheeks han, you should find a way to get rid of the fat."

"your waist isn't as small as it used to be.
you know how much I love your waist, right?
try limit food and get it back."

his appetite was gone.
he just played with the food.

"can I ask you something?"
han suddenly asked mrs lee

"oh, yeah sure. what do you need to know?"

"do you have piano in this house?"

"oh of course. me and my husband love to dance while someone is playing the piano. it's in the hall on your left."

"oh, thank you." han gave her a small smile and went back to playing with his food.

after a while, he stopped.
"thank you for the lunch, but I'm full. if you excuse me, I'd like to find the piano and play it, may I?"

"of course han." mrs lee said and Han bowed before leaving to find the hall the piano was in.

minho noticed that han hadn't eaten a lot.
he sighed to himself and decided to talk with him trough the window again.

meanwhile han found the piano.
he opened the cover and sat on the little stool.

he started playing and just enjoying the sound.

everyone in the dining room heard it.

"woah, I didn't know your son could play the piano?" mr lee said

"yeah, he can. we have a piano at home and he sometimes played it." mr han said

"he plays really beautifully." mrs lee said

"yeah, probably. I don't even know where does this love for music come from in him. no one in our family plays any instruments." mr han said

"he's really talented." minho said

soojin didn't like the fact that all the attention was on her little brother.

"oh please, it can't be that hard." she said

"actually, it is. I tried to learn and I failed miserably." minho said 

soojin didn't have an argument, so she just continued eating.

after a while, the sound of the piano stopped and all of them thought that han went to his room.

everyone finished their food and returned to their own rooms, except for soojin.

she needed to have a talk with her brother.

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