36| the unwanted wedding

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"you look so handsome in this suit, minho."
ms. lee said, as she was looking at minho with proud eyes.

minho was getting ready, he was two hours away from his wedding, and he was now dressed and was getting his make up done in a few minutes.

minho didn't say anything.
he didn't what to talk with his parents.

mr. lee sighed.
"I know that you're not the biggest fan of this situation, but I'm sure you will soon forget your little lover and you will become happy husband and a proud father."
he said with a small smile.

minho was fuming inside.
"forget my little lover?"

"yes. you two just weren't meant to be together. you have a beautiful wife waiting for you. don't destroy that because of some young boy, minho."
mr. lee said and patted minho on his shoulder.

"well, you need to get your make up ready. we will see each other at the altar, alright?"
ms. lee said and smiled at her son, before turning to her husband.

"I'm proud of you, son. you will make me even more proud when you get married and start a family."
mr. lee said, and together with ms. lee left the room Minho was getting ready at.

meanwhile han was packing his last things.
his plane was going to aboard in few hours, so it was the best time to leave. he took his suitcase and went downstairs.

he took the last glimpse of the most important places in this house he spend the last six months in.

his own room

minhos room.

piano room.

when he got to the piano room, he played river flows in you for the last time with tears in his eyes, before giving the house one last glimpse, getting into the car, who started driving him to the airport.
he couldn't hide the tears anymore.
he started sobbing at the back seat, thinking about his lover.

his lover, that is going to marry his sister in a half an hour.

he started thinking.
how did he even ended up in this situation?
when did he fall for Minho, when he knew he couldn't?
why did he fall for minho, when he knew he's eventually going to marry his sister?
he could have saved himself the heartbreak if he just stayed away from minho as he was supposed to.

so, why didn't he?
why did he get close to him?
why did he fall for him?

han wasn't sure.
the only thing he knew was the fact that the only person who ever cared about him is not here anymore, and he will never see him again.

before he knew it, he arrived at the airport.


minho looked out from the window, just to see the venue and the guests who were slowly arriving.

half an hour.
the last half an hour of a free life.

he sighed, before closing his eyes and tilting his head.

han should already be at the airport.
no, don't think about Han, minho.
you can't.
you can't cry right now.

just then, someone opened the door.

minho didn't look, thinking it's his parents, or worse, his soon to be wife.

"damn bro, you look like shit."

minho turned around and smiled when he saw the person who was standing right in front of him.

his best man.
his best friend.
his only true friend.

"not only I look like one, I also feel like one."
minho said and sighed.

hyunjin looked at him with a sad smile.
"how are you holding up?"
he asked.

minho sighed.
"Im not."

hyunjin gave him a sad smile, before sitting on the table right in front of minho.
"I came here to make sure you're okay and that you're ready for your wedding."

"yeah, I figured."

"but that was my intention as your best man, now I will tell you something as your best friend."
hyunjin said and adjusted the way he was sitting.

minho looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

"don't marry soojin, minho."
hyunjin simply said.

minho sighed.
"if only that was was that easy. I can't just disappear, my parents would be so disappointed."

"for gods sake minho, for once in your life, don't think about your parents and think about yourself."
hyunjin said, kind of coldly.

Minho was immediately listening.

"tell me all of the things you sacrificed for your parents."

Minho didn't say anything, knowing damn well where this is going.

"since you're not going to talk, I will."
hyunjin said and adjusted the way he was sitting again.

"you always wanted to be a dance teacher, you always told me you didn't want to work in your parents company, that it wasn't your dream, and that you had different plans with your life. but look at you. you gave up your passion and your dream just to make your parents proud and started working in their company. you were always such a good kid, you never disappointed your parents and did everything right, so they would be proud of you.
but, your name is lee minho, not lee wooyeo and lee seyeon. you are a person too, you're not some machine your parents can control. you don't deserve that, minho. chace your dreams and make your own decisions, because you can do exactly that.
now, tell me, do you want to be here?"

minho shook his head no.
he didn't want to be here.

"what do you want to do now, lee minho?"
hyunjin asked.

"I want to....be with the love of my life right now. I want to be with him, in the same bed, cuddling as we watch his favorite movie for the hundred time, because it's his favorite. I want to feed him popcorn, and watch how adorable he looks while chewing it, with his big, adorable cheeks. I want to have him in my arms right now. I want to kiss his dumb beautiful face, telling him how much I love him."

hyunjin smiled.
"then why are you still here?"

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