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The blue glittery dress is starting to get itchy as the hours drag on. My friends all brought a date to the homecoming whereas I have been standing in the corner of the room sipping on a punch, which I'm pretty sure someone had slipped alchohol into. My friends had danced a few songs with me but after the fifth one, I had told them to dance with their dates instead.

And so I was still here at the dance two hours later. I would leave but there is something that is making me stay here, something in my mind that is telling me that if I wait, something good will happen. I'm starting to believe that the voice in my head is wrong.

My gaze shifts to the front entrance of the gymnasium where my greatest nemesis is walking into. The term is a little dramatic but we both take it literal. The aspect of competing with him is fun though.

I walk toward him, pushing myself through the bodies of couples so close together you would assume there weren't any adults in here. Maybe that was just the envious side of me talking. When I meet him at the middle of the dance floor, I glance back at the door and ask,"Did you just get here?"

"The best of us are always late", he shrugs my eyes making their way to the way the suit hugs his arms perfectly. My eyes follow down to the lenght of his suit and to his well pressed matching pants. My eyes flit back up to his face to find him looking down at me with a small smirk on his face.

In return, his eyes follow down the lenght of my dress, which isn't much as it sits on my upper thigh. His eyes linger at my legs for a second longer and I feel my cheeks heat up and I know it's not from the tiny bit of alcohol I digested. I cross my right leg over my left and his eyes come back to my face.

"Like what you see?", I say my voice small but it still causes him to take a step back. I giggle soflty and he clears his throat,"The dress is pretty."

"Hmm", I say and look at his outfit again. "The suit is nice but..."

"But?", he asks me and I take a step closer to him and place my hand underneath his collar. I quickly fix it and say,"Get ready in a rush?"

"You could say that", he whispers and I feel his breath on my face. We are standing so close to each other, I take a step back but someone pushes me forward and I crash into his chest. He places a loose hand on my waist and I look up at him.

"Have you danced with anyone tonight?", he asks after a moment of silence from the both of us. His voice is soft.

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