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Grayson knocked on my cabin door early the next morning. The night before I had fallen asleep around one A.M because a couple of people from other schools had invited us for a party. It was supposed to be for just thirty minutes, but it lasted up to three hours. Grayson and I had been with each other, so it was fun dancing and talking amongst our friends.

My friends have still yet to get used to seeing the both of us together but they were trying their best. Their best to not giggle and give me looks whenever Grayson would touch me. Which was often, Grayson was a physical touch kind of guy. He had almost always had his hand around my waist or on the small of my back. I liked it though, in fact, I preferred it.

I had dragged myself out of bed and pulled open the door to find a pretty energized Gryason. I had checked the time on my phone and found that is was close to six thirty. Too early for a guy who went to bed at one to be completely ready for the day.

I pulled the sweatshirt down my stomach and yawned. "Gray?"

"I want to watch the sunrise with you by the lake", he says in response. I look down at my clothes and frown,"I'm not ready." Grayson shrugs and steps closer to me. He places a hand on my head and gently runs a hand down the length of my hair. He brings his hand back up and cups my cheeks.

"Just brush your hair and maybe put on some bottoms, it's cold out", he informs me in a whisper as to not wake up the others.

I frown and look down at my legs,"I'm wearing shorts."

"I know", he says and I yawn again. "Maybe we can also grab some coffee before we go", he says to me chuckling. I nod and grab his hand to pull him into the room.

"You can wait on my bed, I'm going to change really quickly", I say and he nods. I walk toward my cubby and grab some pants and a new sweatshirt. Our cabin doesn't have a bathroom so I say,"I'll go to the bathroom. Meet me outside in ten?"

He stands up from my bed and follows me out of the cabin. Once we get outside, I walk toward the bathroom and with a small smile sent at Grayson, I walk in and close the door. I get ready for the day and once I am presentable, I open the door. Grayson stands by a tree with two cups of warm coffee in his hands and starts heading for me before I put a finger up and say,"Let me put my stuff back."

Grayson groans and says,"Julie, the sun will be up by then."

"Then you should've texted me like a normal person instead of just showing up in the crack of dawn", I say grumpy from the lack of sleep and walk past him back to my cabin. Once I meet him again, the both of us start heading the opposite direction of where our cabins are.

We walk a little farther and my eyes widen at the beautiful lake. If we had cane here beginning of the school year, we would have all been using the lake but with it being cold, this was my first time seeing it. The sky is as beautiful above it and I place my hand in Grayson's.

"It's pretty", I say and take a seat on a nearby rock. He sits beside me and says,"Like you." The compliment makes me blush.

"I don't think you've ever called me pretty", I say to him honestly and he gives me a look.

"Really?", he asks me bringing his hand up to my face. I lean in to his touch and nod. "I definetly wanted to."

"Like when?", I say wanting to know.

"Everytime I saw you", he says making me feel his words down to my toes. My smile spreads when he says,"At your volleyball games after you win. You smile so wide and I find myself drawn to it."

"To my smile?", I ask him and he nods glancing at my lips.

"Your face lights up when you smile. Homecoming", he says and I look at him confused. "When I was dying to compliment you. When I saw you walk up to me, I remember thinking that you looked gorgeous."

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