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After dinner, Grayson and I tackle the dishes. Well, Grayson keeps trying to push me out of the way, but I keep my perseverance. "Gray, why don't you want me to help you out?"

Grayson gives me a dubious look,"Because I invited you to eat not clean up after us."

I step forward toward the sink beside him and say,"It's not like I'm the only one cleaning. Come one, we can finish this is less than fifteen minutes and then hang out."

"Fine", he says huffing out a breath. "Only because you said we can hang out." It's already nine p.m but I'm not making any movement trying to get home faster. I'm stalling, I'm not sure why, but I am.

The thought of spending one more night alone in the cold of my room makes me shiver from here. I don't want to go back to an empty house; I'd rather be in a house where little kids were running around in the living room while singing the theme song to paw patrol.

I'd rather be standing next to my boyfriend.

Once we are done with the dishes, I wash my hands and dry them. Afterwards, I head to the living room and pick up my purse. I look through it and grab my phone. I check for any messages from my parents. I try not to be disappointed when I find that there are none. I check their locations to find that both of them are still at a nearby hospital, working.

God, how long can they work for without having a break? I've seen my parents for four hours max between the past few days. That couldn't be healthy. Was I working hard at school for a life like theirs? I didn't want to work twelve hours straight and come home to see my children for only one hour a night. That sounds unappealing.

"Gray?", I call his name out from the living room. He is still in the kitchen but he shows up after a minute, a little smile on his face.

"Are you leaving?", he asks his eyes scanning the purse I'm holding up. I play with the strap of the bag and say,"I was actually wondering if I could stay."

Grayson's eyes widen just before his smile grows larger. "If your parents are okay with it", he says and I frown at my phone. Should I text my parents and let them know, or would they simply not care? I decide to test the second theory.

"They'll be fine", I say and he closes the distance between us and placing a kiss on my lips.

"This excites me", he whispers in my ear before pulling away to flash me an innocent look. I laugh before my eyes scan the room at the little kids who are now watching a movie.

"Mind if I join?", I ask them taking a seat on the couch. The girls answer with a nod and Nathan places his hands over my neck. Grayson stands at the leg of the couch, observing us. I place a hand on his and pull him onto the couch. He laughs when he falls on top of me and I groan pushing him off of me.

"Gray, you're heavy", Nathan says voicing my thoughts and I laugh at the face my boyfriend makes. He gives his brother a playful glare before turning to me and grabbing my waist. He moves me until I am halfway leaning on him and clasps his hand around my middle.

"Not going anywhere", he murmurs in my ear and with me being almost fully on top of him, it's hard to focus on the movie. It's also hard to concentrate when his hand draws tiny circles all over my stomach. "You look beautiful", he whispers into my ear making me want to jump off of him.

I'm feeling too much in too little time. I've felt like this, but it was in the opposite way of this. I've felt too much where to the point of wanting to stop it all.

I place a hand on Grayson's and say,"Can you...." I'm not sure what I want to ask him. Do I want him to stop? Yes, but I love this. Do I want him to continue? Yes, but this is too much.

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