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I'm going to pick you up today

Grayson texted me this when I was in the middle of doing my makeup. I had liked the message even though him picking me up is kind of excessive as I have my own  car. I guess it makes more sense because we live so close and have the same routine where we can just use one car. I finish off my makeup and head to my closet to pick out an outfit.

After spending some time considering, I make the final decision of a picking out some black jeans and a white square neck short sleeve shirt. I also pick out a black crocheted cardigan. In my hair, I add a white headband and pull out a large chunk of in the front framing my face. I head downstairs with my backpack and my phone and find that my house is empty. I guess my parents have already gone to work. 

I grab a banana and head out of the house to find Grayson already here. I'm about to start walking over when Grayson walks out of his car and toward me. A smile spreads all over my face when I notice the item in his hand. He is holding a small bouquet of flowers: white baby breaths with a few roses in between. He grins once he sees my reaction and hurries the steps toward me. Once he is close enough, he extends a hand toward my waist and pulls me close to him. My hand makes its way to his neck and I giggle into the hug. 

He presses a kiss on top of my head and I pull away far enough to get a good look at him. His blue eyes are brighter today, evidently happier. He holds out the flowers and I grab for them. I loosen my grip on his neck and study the flowers. They are so pretty that I suddenly want to get emotional. 

"What's this for?", I ask him smelling the flowers with a huge smile on my face. 

"Just wanted to thank you for taking care of my siblings these past few days, and of course, me", he says his eyes scanning my face for approval. The past couple of days, I spent a great deal of time at his house. Besides driving the girls to ballet and entertaining Nathan, it wasn't much that I did.

"It's a wonderful thank you gift", I say placing my hand on his neck once again and leaning in to capture my lips with his. I pull away to admire the flowers again,"Thank you, Gray."

"You're welcome, baby", he replies back. The both of us walk toward his car and he holds the passenger side door open for me. I get in and he closes the door after me walking to the other side to get in as well.

"So", he says starting the car to pull out of my driveway. "Any Thanksgiving plans?"

I shrug,"Just my parents and I this weekend. They have work so we aren't able to head to Georgia to see our extended family." Both of my parents are doctors, so the chances of them getting an off day is limited. Every year they try their hardest to make an effort to get time off, but the past few years haven't worked out in their favor. I don't even have to ask my parents this year to know that it'll be the same once again.

"Oh", Grayson says glancing at me.

"It's fine. It's only one day, my parents are all I'll need anyway", I say. I don't add the part where ever since I started highschool, both of my parents worked on Thanksgiving. Since I was old enough to stay home, they took the extra shifts not covered by their coworkers. I don't tell my friends though, I don't want them to make it a big deal.

I liked spending Thanksgiving alone anyhow. I'd go to the fridge and pull out leftovers and then head over to the living room to watch a movie. I liked the quiet the day provided for me.

"How about you?", I ask him once I realize I'm getting too into my own thoughts. Grayson taps his hand on the steering wheel and says,"Thanksgiving was a huge holiday for us. My parents would invite all our extended family and they would fly out from different states. When they passed away..."

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