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"What are you staring at"?, the voice pulls me out of my intense glaring. I turn around in my seat,"First of all, I'm not staring. I was just---ugh he is laughing." I fake a gag and my friend laughs. I slap her shoulder and say,"Just look at him."

"You seem to be doing that fine on your own." 

I stop looking at him abruptly and turn to my friend. She gives me a raise of her eyebrow and I groan. "Please, I only do it because he is irritatingly loud." To prove my point, Grayson lets out a booming laugh which causes a few heads to turn his way. His partner shushed him and I followed her hands to his arm moving up. Is she openly flirting with him? 


As soon as the bell rings, I get up from my seat and make my way to Grayson's seat. I look up at the girl, Alicia, shame she is so pretty with her blonde hair and big brown eyes. "Hey Grayson, you left your book at my house, here." The tone of my voice is verysuggeestive and Alicia registers it I hand him his book I found last class. 

The girl immediately loses the smile on her face and I feel a hint of guilt. But then I see the flush on his cheek and feel satisfied. I give her an apologetic smile and walk away from the classroom. 

3, 2, 1

I feel a hand on my shoulder and almost smile instead I bite down my bottom lip and turn around. I grab a lock of my hair,"Careful you could've pulled out my hair from its ponytail." 

"Please with it being so greasy it would probably stay in place for the year", he says and his blue eyes roll back in his eye for a second. I pat away a flyaway and he wastes no time saying,"Why did you do that?" 

"Do what?", I say feigning innocence as I twirl the piece of my hair. He scowls at me and I almost smile.

"You know, Juliette, if you were interested in me you could've just said that", his eyes twinkle as he takes a step closer to me. I move back so fast my hair slaps me in the face. I let out a little shriek and he laughs.

"If you say something like that ever again I'll throw up on your shoe", I say with disgust. The idea of me being interested in Grayson was disgusting.

He laughs, "Again." I groan when the memory of me throwing up after the volunteer marathon two years ago flashes through my mind. 

I shake the memory away,"Anyway, I think I did Alecia a favor. She deserves way better." Than you, but I don't add that. I'm not that mean.

"I really liked her", he says his eyes steady on me that it makes me feel something I can't place. I clear my throat and say,"Right." 

"I did", he says and I take the courage and walk closer to him. With my hands on his chest, I push him away and manage to sidestep him. His hand latches onto mine and he pulls me back. I groan especially when I see him smirk.

His eyes focus on mine again,"Go tell Alecia that you lied."

"And look pathetic like you?"

"Why are you so difficult?", he says with a groan and I'm about to answer when he suddenly pulls away. I quickly realize that he was still holding my hand but am not allowed to dwell on it as he speeds away toward the front door. 

He turns around right before opening the door and says,"Please talk to her." 

"Doing her a favor", I yell out after him. I still hear his groaning as the door shuts behind him. I'm still chuckling as my friend joins me,"I don't get the thrill you have of torturing him." 

"You are saying that about a guy who was laughing so hard he doubled over when I threw up two years ago."

"It was kind of funny", my friend says, earning her a glare from me. 

"Grayson Kingston is a coldhearted monster who is worse than me." 

"Right", my friend Katie says unsure and I roll my eyes at her.

I grab her arm,"Let's go, I have to do an extra credit project for Calculus."


I wipe a bead of sweat off my forehead while adding the last detail to my project. It's been a hard one taking me almost an hour. I pick myself off the floor and quickly run into my closet. I have to be back at my school for volleyball practice and I would've already been at school but had a free period last hour so I decided to go home early to finish my project. 

I pull on a pair of shorts and a white tank. I pull my hair up into a bun and run toward the front door to my car. I make it to the school fifteen minutes late and as I walk into practice I hold my breath prepared for my coach to give me a lecture. Instead I'm met with Grayson which is just as worse. 

I walk further into the Gym and say,"What is this?" 

Grayson walks beside me and says,"Your coach and my coach are both coincidentally out today so we decided to practice together."

"And who talked to me about this?", I say eyeing teammates. 

"Well nobody could talk to you if you weren't here", Grayson says with humor in his voice and I slap his shoulder. "You stay here and prepare your team to leave." 

It was already bad that Grayson and I were competing in the same classes, but the same sport?

I walk to my teammates and Lexi is about to speak up when I say,"Who agreed to this knowing how much I dislike him?" 

"Well" , Lexi starts as I cut her off. "I'm— ugh guys why do you guys put me in these situations?" 

"Because we love you?", Chantel offers and I groan. I turn back to Grayson who has yet to move and say,"Think you can beat us girls at the game?" 

His eyes light up with pure amusement and I tell myself that his eyes are not pretty. Because they aren't.

"You're on, Juliette", he says with a quirk of his eyebrow. 

"Why can't you call me Jules like everyone else", I sigh as I adjust my tank top and head off to the net. 

"Because everyone else is lame with that", he says matching my pace. 

"So what else could you call me?", I say annoyed. 

"A loser after you lose the game", he says flashing his white teeth and a smile most girls would fall for. 

Game on

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