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The next morning I wake up with the sudden realization that I'm thinking about Grayson. I shake my head but all throughout my morning routine, all I can think about is him. I've been shaking my head like a maniac all morning and by the time my afternoon classes start, it's worse. 

It's worse because I have to see him, and in the first class with him, I sit beside him. I purposely get to it late so I don't have to talk to him. I made it to class right before the bell rang. I keep my head down as I head to my seat. Immediately the teacher starts the lesson so I am grateful as I start taking notes. We also have an assignment to do so I preoccupy myself with it. 

Right before I'm about to burst with the consummation of newfound thoughts, Grayson holds out his paper to me and says,"Done before you, suck it loser." I let out a breath of relief because he is not acting differently so why should I? After all, nothing happened. I was probably thinking about Grayson because of the hours I spent in his house the night before. 

I pick my head up and turn to Grayson. See, that was easy. I then make the mistake of glancing at his lips. Shoot, the memory of his lips planted on my cheeks makes my cheeks flush. I turn back in my seat and take a breath in before picking up my paper and showing it to him. "I was done a while ago." 

"Liar. Or else you would've shown me", he says, raising his eyebrow. I shrug,"Believe what you want." 

"Right", he says, drawing out the word. I laugh, extending my arm and slapping his shoulder. But that seemed to be a mistake because the memory of him hugging me flashes through my mind. I shake my head and turn back to my seat. 

I couldn't fathom it, Grayson was all I could think about. This was not good.

At all.

"You good?" Grayson asks with a light chuckle and I shrug. 

"Just thinking about my new friend", I say nonchalantly even though I'm anything but.  


"Nathan", I responded with a smile. 

"My brother?", he asks incredulously, turning toward me and I let out a laugh. 

"He is the cutest little kid ever", I say, turning toward him too. Grayson chuckles and then says,"He asked about you this morning." 

"He did?", I ask fully interested in the conversation now. I tuck in a lock of hair behind my ear, still not used to its medium lenght as opposed to it's previously long one. "What did he say?" 

"He asked when you were going to be back to read him another story" , Grayson says, playing with the edge of his notebook. "And I told him that I'd carve out time for him. But he said that he prefers you to do it." 

"Huh, I guess you are so jealous", I say with the widest smiles. 

"I am", he says truthfully and I let out the loudest laugh today. The class turns toward me and I don't stop though. I just keep laughing because this is incredibly funny to me. I do however stop laughing when the teacher calls my name. She can be very scary. But when I look at Grayson, I break out into laughter again, this time he joins me. We've never laughed together; we've only laughed at each other. 


It's next week when I finally get to see Grayson's little brother again. My friends and I decided to go to the park since it's almost October  and the weather is nice out and about to drop in no time. While we are in the middle of trying to push each other off the mary-go-around, I spot the palest blonde hair. I instantly know it's Anna but my theory is confirmed when they approach closer and I hear her giggling with Lily. They are a nice pair of sisters, always giggling. 

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