04, 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝘇𝗼𝗻𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵

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Chloe smiled as she laid in bed with Owen. They had been watching a surgery tapes in between having sex.

Chloe had recently been hooking up with Owen. She was trying to move on from Mark. she was in love with him. But he was with Lexie now. And they were happy.

"This is how you unwind? You watch two hours straight surgery?" He asked.

"Duh. I'm a Robbins aren't I? I have to keep on top of my game. Make sure I beat my sister. Which I probably will," Chloe said as she took a sip of coffee.

Owen smiled. He pulled the blanket over them and let her cuddle into him. Owen knew how Chloe and Mark Sloan used to have a thing.

But he was in a relationship with Lexie Grey now. Which had been publicly broadcasted in a huge fight.

He knew that Chloe had been in love with Mark. But he was secretly glad that he had managed to get with her. Even if they weren't in a proper relationship.


Chloe woke to a pair of hands around her neck. She was being choked by Owen. She couldn't breathe. She felt the air being choked out of her.

She tried everything she could to get him off of her. The contents of the nightstand being shoved to the floor. The door opened and Meredith walked in "Chloe?! Owen!" She yelled.

Owen woke up and got off of Chloe. Chloe fell off the bed and ran into her bathroom. She slammed the door and fell to the floor sobbing.

Ellie looked to Owen in shock. She heard Belle crying in the bathroom. "What did you do to her?" She asked. She was shocked.

Ellie grabbed her phone and dialled her mom's number.


Arizona groaned as her phone rang. She rolled over and picked it up.

Arizona/ Ellie. It's 2am in the morning. What's going on?
Ellie/ mom it's Chloe. Something happened.
Arizona/ say no more. I'm on my way.

Arizona hung up and jumped out of bed. Callie woke up and groaned. "What's happened?" She asked as she yawned.

Arizona turned to him. "Something happened to Chloe. Ellie just called me. I have to go," she told him.

"Wait. I'm coming with you," Callie said as she climbed out of bed.

She knew how close Chloe and Arizona were. And she knew how protective of her sister she was.


"Where is she?"

Arizona walked into the bedroom. Owen was sitting there. He was crying. "What happened?" Arizona asked as she looked around the room and saw how messy it was.

"He was choking her."

Arizona felt anger overcome her. "You choked her?! Why would you do that?!" She yelled.

Callie grabbed her waist. "Chloe needs you. Go and be in there with her," she told her.

Arizona nodded. "Do not let him anywhere near her. Get him out of here," she said as she walked over. "Chloe? Let me in."

The door opened and Chloe pulled Arizona into the room. She was in tears. Her neck was bruised. "I will kill him," Arizona said as she saw her neck.

"H-He had a nightmare. I'm okay. I really am," Chloe said as she wiped away some tears. She winced as she touched her neck.

There was a knock at the door. "Chloe? Please. Arizona... I need to know if she's okay," Owen called through the door.

Arizona turned to look at her sister. She saw how broken Belle was. "Don't you dare Chloe. Don't do it," she told her.

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