021, 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴

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Chloe was sitting in her apartment. She knew how things were. And she had become shut off from everyone. She went to the hospital and she went home. She hadn't talked to Mark in a few days. She hadn't talked to anyone.

Chloe felt broken. She didn't know what to do anymore. And it hurt her that she had been lied to her whole life. But she needed to move on from it. She needed to focus on her future.

She hadn't told anyone, but she was considering leaving Seattle Grace and going elsewhere. Somewhere she could have a fresh start. Away from the heartbreak and hurt.

She knew Ellie would be upset. But she couldn't stay where too much had happened.

Chloe walked into the kitchen and sighed. She made herself a coffee before she got ready. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. "Come on girl. You've got this. You don't need anybody," she said.

Chloe took a deep breath before she grabbed her car keys and left. She didn't want to deal with it. She felt like it was too much for her now at Seattle Grace. And she needed to make a change.


Ellie looked up as Chloe walked over to her. She smiled. "You okay?" She asked.

Chloe nodded. "Yeah. I'm good. Just tired. And haven't really been sleeping. How are you?"

Ellie shrugged. She grinned. "Well Derek is being super nice to me. He's told me he's going to speed up building the house. Says he wants us there by the time Ivy can smile," she told her.

"Isn't he sweet. You seem happy. Like all your life is working out," Chloe said.

Ellie nodded. "Yeah. It feels like it. I'm so happy. i have a baby with the man I love. So I am so happy," she told her.

"Good. Keep at it. Happiness looks good on you," Chloe said as she hugged her.


Amelia Shepherd walked over to the nurses station. She looked around. "Where could I find Dr. Shepherd?" She asked.

The Nurse looked up to Amelia. "You have an appointment?"

"I don't. Uh, could you just point me in the direction of his office?"

The nurse didn't respond as Mark walked over. "She has that look on her face because the last time someone walked into this hospital looking for Dr. Shepherd without an appointment, he shot him," he told her.

"Mark!" Amelia squealed as she hugged him. "Oh. Oh, my God!"

Mark smiled. "Hi, Amy."

"You still look hot," Amelia commented as she ran her eyes over him. She smiled. "Really hot."

Mark nodded and smiled. "And you, uh, look a lot more grown-up than when I last saw you."

Amelia shrugged and grinned. "You can say "hot, " you know? 'Cause I am. I'm hot."

He turned to look at Amelia. "No. I can't. Because in my mind. You're still Derek's 12 year old sister. So what are you doing in Seattle?" He asked.

Amelia shrugged. "Uh Derek is an ass who won't return my calls. Derek's an ass who got shot and won't return my calls. So I bought him a present. Or a bribe. Or a peace offering. Whatever, I bought him that," she said as she pointed over to the guy she had.

Mark frowned. "You bought him Brett Favre?" He asked.

Amelia shook her head. "No. I bought him a brain tumour," she told him.


Chloe walked along the corridor with Derek and Ellie. The three of them walked into Amelia. "Amy?"

DENIAL, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now